Chapter 32: To much Death

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A woman must not depend on the protection of a man, but must be taught to protect herself.
-Susan Anthony

Karliah's POV:
The man was in here again but he just left. I didn't here the door lock though. I get up on my knees and feel around since it is too dark to see. I feel the handle of the trap door, unlocked. I listen carefully to see if he is above me. I'm cautious and smart about it, after all I am almost thirteen. I don't hear anything so I slowly start to lift up the trapdoor. He must of forgot to lock it. Slowly, I slip through the door. Once I'm put I realize that I'm in another room, probably a basement from the looks of it. I see a set of stairs and creep my way up them. At the top I see the man out cold on the couch. He drank too much. I see the front door if the place. I head straight for it. Once outside I see that the place is a farm house surrounded by field with a forest in the distance. What happens next throws me into survival mode. I hear something move from inside.

"Where the heck?!" I hear the man yell. His words slurred, alcohol dripping of every word. Before I know he's out of the house and after me. He's drunk and walking wobbly. I use it my advantage. I can't think straight but I have to think fast... I kick him hard in the groin. I have had self defense classes but when he took me I was taken by suprise. After I kick him he falls to the ground. I run as fast as I can. While running I see he's far behind me. Thats until I trip. When I land I feel impact on my stomach. I start to get up when I see something. I scream to the top if my lungs when I see the body of a young girl. Its almost fully decade but I can still see skin hanging off the bones. Thats when I realize I was not his first, those other girls that went missing. It was by him. I remember that I'm running from a lunatic and get up. I keep running until I reach a lake that I trip and fall into. I feel come up behind me and grasp onto my waste.

Where moving into the traced call and its at a little farm house that was registered under the unsub Richard Connel's brother. Morgan kicks the door down and there is no sign of Connel or Karliah. I feel attached to Karliah somehow.

"There's a lake near hear they might be there!" I yell to Hotch.

"Okay lets go check it out!" He calls back. We jump in our SUV's and drive to the lake. There I see to bodies struggling in the water. Morgan grabs Connel out of the water and arrests him. I realize that the girl is nowhere.

"KARLIAH?! KARLIAH!" I yell. I remember that I saw to bodies in the lake. "Oh my gosh she's in the lake!" I yell while diving in. I see her body at the bottom of the lake and grab her out. I swim her to the top. I immediately start to do CPR mouth to mouth on her.

"One, two, threw, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten." I say while thrusting chest compressions. I give her to breaths of air and then continue.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, twenty." I say in determination while giving her ten more chest compressions. I give her to mouth blows again.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, thirty. Come on Karli, Come on." I say almost in tears now. I give her two more puffs of air and then keep going.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten." I say and keep going. "I'm not giving up on you Karli." I say while repeating the nickname.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, twenty." Chest blow after chest blow. I can't give up on her.

"One, two, three, four-" I feel strong arms pull me back after about 10 minutes of doing it.

"She's gone." They say while hugging me. I cry into Morgan's shoulder. I lost her. I didn't want to lose her.

"Why her? I've seen to many children die." I sob into Morgan's chest as he keeps me wrapped tight in a hug.

"I know you have." He says while caressing the back of my head. I sob into his shoulder for a couple minuted until we head back to the car. I'm calm now, definitely not happy, but calm. I don't, I can't get it. Its not fair. I think about if it was me. Think about it. The minute you think you can escape everything gets taken away from you. I can't imagine how scared she must have been. Maybe she was brave not scared. Still its not fair. I take two slips paper out of my pocket. I look at them. They're pictures of Karliah that her mom gave me. They're the same picture but she gave me both. Her mother also gave me one of Karliah's favourite necklaces that could help the dogs pick up her sent, but when I called to ask if I could come return she said I could keep it. I hold both precious treasures in my hand. I will never forget you Karliah.

 In memory of JJ's unborn and now deceased child that we learned about in episode 200

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In memory of JJ's unborn and now deceased child that we learned about in episode 200.

A/N: Okay you guys this was a very hard chapter to write. Karliah is what I picture JJ's unborn child would have been like when she was a little older. Anyway thanks: shipjeid101 for mentioning me in her stories and crimnatic911 for writing an absolutely amazing Higher Ground and Criminal Minds cross over.

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