#67 - Rosslington

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It was chilly out in LA tonight, so my jacket came in handy. For once I wasn't staying at home, but I was going out with Ellington and some of his school friends to a frat party.

We've been together for a good 3 weeks on the down low, but when you see the person you love, it's hard to control yourself.

I tried to grasp his hand, and he immediately let me go as his buddy Ben, looked around. Ell smiled awkwardly. "Almost, dude! Nearly fell there."

"Did you just trip?" He chuckled and I nodded, earning a head shake.

We couldn't tell anybody, because I'm more than certain these very same guys would beat the crap out of one of us just because we're in love.

They turned a corner, Ellington and I staying a bit behind. "Ross, we're in public. Try to control yourself."

"Okay, okay. I know, I just wish that I could freely hold your hand in public and not have parents pull their children away from us." I sighed.

"I know you do but, these guys are very much like that, if not worse." He touched my face, looking both ways before pecking my lips.

"But I'm sorry, I'll get it together." I replied and he beamed, leading me back to the group of people.

This frat party was looking way more like Project X - there were people doing keg stands, drinking all kinds of things and each room was packed from wall to wall.

I walked from the kitchen to the living room, a makeshift dance floor. I mixed with the dancing bodies, trying to meet Ellington who was dancing with some girls in the middle.

A song with a rather slow tempo came on, and I pulled him over, in hopes to kiss him. His response was a playful head butt, and a fake laugh.

"Not in public." He whispered by my ear. "Sorry."

I turned on my heels, dodging dancing people left and right, finding my way outside. Not long after, Ellington followed, but I was power walking fast, away from him and the frat house.

"Ross, wait!" He called, but I continued walking. He eventually caught up, and after a failed attempt of a hug, he simply decided to walk beside me and kindly let me into his apartment.

"So," he tossed the keys onto the coffee table. "Are you going to speak to me?"

"Gladly. We aren't in public, are we?" He rolled his eyes at my sarcasm. "It hurts, okay? I have to bear couples out on streets showing their love for one another yet I have to wait until we're behind closed doors and it just kills me, because I can't even have a regular relationship."

"It hurts me too, Ross. More than anything." He approached me with glassy eyes. "Don't you think that sometimes I just want to kiss you randomly but I can't because I will get the life beaten out of me by my 'friends'?"

I held my face in my hands. "Since when did it get this hard?"

"I don't know, but, we'll pull through." Ellington sat beside me. "I'm living for the day I can safely hold you in the streets and kiss you on the dance floor."

"I wish that it could be like that." I crawled into his arms, allowing him to hold me in his arms. "I'm yours."

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