Chapter One

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"Hurry up Hannah! We cannot miss our flight!" Mom called out from downstairs. "Alright mom. Coming!" I replied. I sighed heavily as I looked around my room. A study table, a dressing table which I really do not use, a closet, and some random table where all of my picture frames were placed. Faded photographs to the new ones of our family. Sigh, I'll really miss this house. I wish I could just stay here but no. I can't even support myself since I'm still studying. I wiped my tears and carried my backpack and went downstairs then we all piled into my uncle's car and drove to the airport.

--Ninoy Aquino International Airport (Manila, Philippines)--

"Best of luck abroad bayaw! (A/N: Bayaw means brother-in-law)" Uncle Robert told Dad as he handed him his bag.

"Be good there, okay?" Auntie Joy said to me as she hugged me. "Don't let them ignore the Filipino pride." I tried my best to smile but I just can't and started crying. I really don't want to leave. Not now. Just not now.

"Flight G347 Tiger airways, now boarding. Please proceed to the boarding area."

I pulled away from my Auntie, knowing that I have to go with the rest of my family. My younger brother, Adrian, didn't say a word though and just hugged the teddy bear that Auntie Joy gave him during our farewell party. We waved goodbye to them then proceed into the boarding area and then into the airplane. I quickly found my seat which is right next to the window and put my seatbelt on. Adrian sat beside me while hugging his teddy bear tight as both of us looked out of the window.

"Mami-miss ko ang Pilipinas." (Translation: I'm gonna miss the Philippines)

"Me too Adrian." I said and then I quickly wiped my tears away and closed my eyes, and fell into a deep slumber.


I opened my eyes and we were about to land at the Singapore airport for a stopover that that would last for a couple of hours. When we reached the airport, we had lunch there and then after that, mom took a nap, Dad read his book while Adrian played his PSP. I put out my iPod and listen to some songs there until it was time for us to head off.

We went into the plane and again, my seat was right next to the window. I know that my trip to Australia is pretty boring. But seriously? Who wants to leave their country when they are already contented there? Thoughts about our future in Australia filled my mind. How would our life going to turn out there? Would we be encountering racism? Sexism? Would Adrian and I be bullied by the kids in our school because we're newbies here like the movies that we watch in cinemas?

--Airport (Adelaide, Australia)--

When we got cleared through the customs, we already went to the arrival area where we were welcomed by the De Vizio family. Well, I really don't know them but my parents do. They were classmates since high school up to college.

As our parents were catching up with their friends, I noticed a guy sitting on a bench in front of us... He's probably around 17 or something. He's got bright blue eyes and that swaggy aura and with those white headphones on his ears, he looked like he doesn't give a damn about anything. I'm guessing that he's their son.

"Hi..." I said warily and he looked up and gave a nod as if to acknowledge me. "I'm Hannah." I continued.

"The hell I care?" He said then he continued to listen to his music that was blasting through his white headphones. Seriously? I introduced myself properly and then he'll just trashtalk me?! What a jerk. I wanna punch him on the face right now but I don't wanna give a bad impression to my parents' friends.

"What's your name?" I asked, still trying to be nice to him.

"Julian." He replied then he looked at me with a pissed expression on his face and then turned back his attention on his phone.


--De Vizio Residence--

So we went here to the De Vizio residence and later on, I came into the realization that we are gonna be living with them... Well, that's alright. I'm used to it but then, that means I'm going to live under the same roof with that jerk, Julian. God! I hate him! He's such a dick! I was trying to be nice to him at the airport a while ago but then he was being such an ass!

My thoughts were interrupted when someone knocked on my door. I opened it, only to find Adrian standing in front of me. "Dinner's ready." He said. "We'll be eating with the De Vizio family since it's our first night here."

Dinner? With them? With that Julian guy?! Oh someone strangle me now!

I put on a fake smile and went out of my room then we went downstairs, into the dinning room. I sat down on a vacant chair when suddenly I heard someone cleared their throat and I looked behind me and met those pair of blue eyes.

"That's my seat." Julian said with an annoyed expression on his face.

"Okaaaaay." I said then stood up. "Could've just said 'excuse me'." Then I went to sit beside mom and dad but unfortunately, Adrian already took my future spot. I sighed and got no choice but to sit beside the jerk (Julian).

The whole dinner was good actually except for the fact that I was sitting beside him. He's got the looks but the problem is that his attitude. I don't know why he's like that. His parents are nice so why is he like that?

"Julian, honey, can you please get an ice cream for each of us?" Mrs. De Vizio said sweetly and he sighed and stood up and disappeared into the kitchen. A few seconds later, he came back and gave each of us our ice creams in separate mugs.

I started to dig in when suddenly I felt a burning sensation in my mouth!

I looked over to Julian and he was smirking at me.

"Hannah, are you alright?" Mom asked me.

"Mommy, ba't ang anghang ng ice cream? (Translation: Mommy, why is the ice cream spicy?)" I asked.

"Is there anything wrong?" Mrs. De Vizio asked.

"Um... Hannah said that the ice cream is spicy." Mom said.

"What? How come?"

And from the corner of my eye, I saw Mr. De Vizio gave a death glare at Julian but he doesn't seem to be scared at it. More like he's enjoying it.

"Water... I need water!" I said and then suddenly, a cold substance splashed onto my face.



First Chapter!!! Hope you like it! Also, if you guys have time, read my ongoing Trent Bell fan fiction called "2. Five Men and A Baby (Trent)"



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