Chapter Twenty-Four

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"WHAT?!" I said and he just nodded. "B-But how? How? What did you do? How did you do that?"

"Let's just say that I used my De Vizio Magic." He replied nonchalantly.

"But Julian, that's unfair!" I said. And it IS unfair. I am sick and I should get pulled out if the show!

"I know but you've got so much to give Hannah. I know it's a selfish act to do but I believe in you and I would be there just to push you through your best just like you're doing to me right now." He responded throughtfully

"Thank you Julian." And then I rested my head on his shoulder. After a couple of minutes, we already reached the school and Julian and I headed straight to the auditorium and went backstage to prepare. Shona and Matthew were there too in case my make up starts to run down my face.

"Hey Hannah, you want us to practice?" Julian asked.

"Yeah. Sure." I said and then both sat down in front of each other and just started humming the melody together. And like the usual, he started the first verse.


We're soaring


There's not a star in heaven that we can't reach


If we're trying

So we're breaking free


You know the world can see us

In a way that's different than who we are


Creating space between us

'Til we separate hearts...


But your faith it gives me strength

Strength to believe


We're breaking free


We're soarin'




There's not a star in heaven

that we can't reach


If we're trying


But we're breakin' free


Oh we're breakin' free



Just then the girl who splashed her hot cocoa on me a long time ago, Maddison, came past us and she's with two other girls and they were all dressed in a black Beyonce-like outift. "Well, if it isn't the singer wannabes." She said, eyeing us both with her judgemental eyes that's outlined with eyeliner and thick mascara.

"Well, if it isn't the dancer wannabes." Shona said.

Maddison gaves her a glare and then turns back to both Julian and I. "You two sounded like frogs, you know that?" She said. "So just a friendly advice, you two better back out before we beat you on the stage."

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