Chapter Fourteen

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"So... Um... Why do you want me to stay? Is there something bothering you?" I asked Julian.

He sighed and then he sat down on the foot of his bed. "Dad and I used to have a close bond." He said, without looking at me. I sat down on his office chair and looked at him intently.

"I know it's hard to believe but it's true. He used to take me out every Saturday to do fishing or play football." He continued. "But he changed all of a sudden ever since he became the secretary of the company that he's working in."

I continued to look at him and I notice that his eyes were filling up with tears by any second and his voice was near to cracking.

"He started expecting too much of me... Actually, not only me but also Miela."

"Who's Miela?" I asked.

"My younger sister." He replied. "She moved out of our house because she can't stand dad anymore. I should've done that too but I love him and I want to be by his side everytime."

He looked at me and tears were flowing out of his blue eyes, "I tried so hard to be the good son but you know what? The effort that I do isn't good enough... I am not good enough for him."  He cried. I felt a pang in my chest so I sat beside him and put my arms around him.

"I was never good enough for anyone." He added.

I looked at him, "NO. DON'T SAY THAT JULIAN." I said firmly. "You are an amazing person. You are perfect... For me." And then I realized what I said and felt my face grew hot. "I-I mean, even though you act like an ass sometimes, to me, you're still perfect. I know that you're a good person deep inside and I'm sure that your father loves you. He may not show it but trust me, he loves you. No parent hates their child."

And then I hugged him again and this time, it's tighter. I want to ease the pain that he's feeling right now. I know he's a good person and he doesn't deserve to be unhappy. I felt his arms wrapped around my waist and he cried his heart out to me.

"It's okay Jules... It's okay. I got your back." I said as I wiped his tears. "Now, let's not talk about that, okay? I don't want you getting upset. And... What you do now is eat the dinner that I sneaked out for you."

He laughed slightly as he wiped his remaining tears away and then sat on his study table and started eating his dinner.

"Gotta go now. I'll see you in the morning Julian." I said.

"Yeah, see you. Thanks for listening and being their for me." He said. I smiled and hugged him one last time then went out of his room.



"BESSIIIIIIIIIEEEEE!!!" Shona squealed through the hallway. She's probably excited because today's the day of our retreat. Julian and I arrived and to not to be noticed that we're faking our relationship, we walked in the school hallways holding each other's hand.

"Jeez, Shona... It's still early for crying out loud. Stop squealing!" I said, annoyed.

"But I can't help it! I'm so excited!" She said.

"Hannah and I can tell." Julian said.

"Shut up Julian." She said. "Did you guys have your forms signed by your parents?"

Julian and I nodded. Of course, Julian let his form to be signed by his mother not by his dad because he's not in good terms with him.

"Are we gonna be here if our parents didn't sign our forms?" I asked rhetorically.

"Why so sarcastic today Hannah?" Shona asked.

"Baby, I was born this way!" I sang.

"Where's Matthew?" Julian asked.

"Oh, he's in the office. He submitted his form to Mrs. Lambert."

Just then an announcement boomed through the PA speakers around the school and we were told to go to the parking lot of the school where the two buses were parked. Mrs. Lamber together with the other teachers asked us to find a partner.

"Shona, let's be partners." I said.

"Sorry but she's already mine." Matthew said.

"Wow, you're a man today Matt!" I teased him.

"Shut up!" He said.

"Oh come on!" Julian said exasperatedly and then he intertwined his hands with mine. I looked at him and he looked back at me. "What? You're my girlfriend so definitely, you're my partner." And then he smiled.

"Speechless... Over the edge, I'm just breathless... I never thought that I'd catch this... Lovebug again..." Shona and Matthew sang.

"Oh my god! Shut the fuck up..." I said to them as I facepalmed myself and the three of them laughed.

"Okay Year 12!!! Let's go!!!" Mr. Jenkins said as he lead the first half of year 12s, which Julian, Shona, Matthew, and I were included, into the bus. And of course, Julian sat beside me.

"Are we sharing rooms?" Julian asked me.

"No." I said as I gave him the 'what-are-you-talking-about' look.

"Aw... Damn it!" He said.

"Why did you ask?"

"I was hoping to cuddle with you at nighttime."

My face grew red and so I slapped his shoulder, "Pervert!" I said to him.

"Aca-excuse me?! I am not!" He said. "Now, since we won't see each other at nighttime, give me some love baby..." Then he held out his arms and wrapped them around me.

"Oh my god! Can you not?!" I said while swatting his arms away from me. "Julian, stop being so horny!" I tried to remove his arms around me but I think this guy have a hidden gym in his room and he's been working out.

"Oh my goodness guys! Get a room!" Matthew said as he kicked the back of our chairs.

"Just leave them be Matthew. They have to release the sexual tension in them right now." Shona said.

I gave both of them a death glare and then I turned my attention back to Julian and he was smiling at me with such cheekiness.

"Julian... Let go of me or I swear, I'll never talk to you again." I threathened him and he seemed to believe it so he let go of me.

I sighed with relief.

This bus ride would be one hell of a ride.


Hey guys,

I would just like to inform you that on the next chapter, it would be a halloween special... So yeah, there would be ghosts, zombies, etc.

Why did I upload it today and not yesterday? Well, I was at the Music Count Us In yesterday and I was so tired that I didn't have the strength to update. And I'm uninspired too.


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