Chapter Twenty-Six

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I looked up to Julian and he has that worried expression on his face. "Julian, I need to tell you something." I said.

"What is it?" he asked.

I looked over to Shona. "Oh yeah, that's right. I'll leave. See ya both at backstage!" Shona said and then she ran off. I looked back to Julian, "Yeah... Um... So, Julian, you know that I love you, right?" I started off. "And that I have to be honest with you at all times."

"Just tell it to me directly, Hannah." Julian said with a firm look on his face.

"Julian, my mum's forcing me to break up with you." I said carefully and then I looked down to the floor because I don't wanna meet those blue eyes of his that were filled with so much love for me.

"What did you say?" he asked calmly.

"Of course I didn't agree to her." I said. "How could I break up with you if I know to myself that-!" And then I was cut off when he lifted my chin up and crashed his soft lips onto mine. It felt so good and warm and so... right.

"[...] I love you." I continued when he pulled away.

"Everything's gonna be alright." Julian said softly to me. "I love you and you love me, that's what matters, isn't it?" And then he gently bumped his forehead against mine. "Hannah, answer me. That's what matters, isn't it?" I smiled and nodded and then rubbed my nose against his and stole a kiss from him then ran off.

"Don't make me run after you Hannah." He warned me in a teasing tone. A few seconds later, I heard big fast footsteps behind me and the next thing I knew was that two arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me up and turned around. We hugged each other.

After that, we went back to the auditorium and sat at the audience area and we were just in time to watch Travis perform. We decided to sit next to our parents which I think was a good and bad idea. Good because we're still sitting next to each other, bad because Mum's still angry at me and she keeps on looking at Julian and I. The funny thing is that everytime Julian would put his arm around my shoulders, mum would glare at him and he would quickly remove his arm from my shoulders. I smiled and just shook my head, preventing myself to giggle.

A few seconds later, Matthew came and told us that we should go to the backstage already. Julian and I went with him but before I left, I took one last glance at mum and she was just shaking her head, rubbing her temples, her eyes closed in disbelief. I turned around with a little bit of sadness in me but I shook it off and told myself that everything will be alright.

When we reached backstage Mr. Hales announced, "After this performance, it's already the awarding ceremony."

And so after that death-defying backflip of Travis, the host complimented him and then we were called onto the stage. The host was given the envelope and everyone fell silent. "There are fifteen of you here tonight and only three would be chosen to go onto the next round which is Friday, next week again." The host explained. "And in this envelope are the names of the top three contestants who deserve to go on next week."

And then he opened the envelope and looked at each of us with a serious look on his face. "Travis Henderson, Hannah Garcia and Julian De Vizio, Sarah Griffiths... Please step forward." He said. "You three are... ON THE TOP THREE!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!" And then the crowd went wild and there were confettis everywhere.

I looked to where mum and dad were sitting and saw Mr and Mrs. De Vizio, Dad and Adrian were standing from their seats while mum went out of her seat and walked out of the auditorium. My gaze broke off from her when Shona and Matthew blocked my view and gave me the bunch of flowers.

Living With Julian De VizioOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora