Chapter Four

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I opened my eyes and found myself snuggling up to someone. "Getting comfortable right there, aye?" A voice spoke up and I knew that voice. I pulled away and looked up and I was confronted by his piercing blue eyes.

"JULIAN?!" I said in surprise and he smiled at me.

"The one and only." He responded.

"Are you awake Hannah?" Mrs. De Vizio asked and I smiled through the rear view mirror  as I nod then tucked a few strands of hair behind my ears. I removed my seatbelt as soon as the car parked in the garage and hopped out of the car with my bag slung over my shoulder. I still seriously can't believe that I fell asleep in Julian's arms...

**cough cough** JULIAN'S ARMS.

Oh screw that! Who cares about his arms?!

We all went inside the house and went into our own rooms. I dropped my bag off in my room and then I stopped by at Adrian's room but he told me that he can already dress all by himself so I went back to my own room and finally changed into my house clothes when suddenly someone just barged into my room and much to my bad luck, it was Julian.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" We both screamed in shock.

I quickly covered my chest, "You fuckin' pervert! Get out of my room! NOW!" I yelled as I threw my pillows at him and swatted him with my slipper. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!"

"I'm sorry!!!" He said but I ignored him and continued to chuck my pillows at him. "Hey! Hannah! Stop! I SAID STOP!" Then he got hold of my wrists and because of that, I was forced to uncover my chest. He stared deeply into my eyes and I felt as if he can see through my very soul... And like, everything around me just seemed to slow down.


"W-Would you let go of me?" I managed to say and he did then he quickly turned his back against me and I quickly slipped on a shirt. "Why were you here anyway?" Just then, the door burst open.

"BANG! You're it, Julian!" Adrian said.

"Damn it!" Julian muttered then he turned to me with a smirk forming on his lips. "You see... We were playing hide and seek..." Then he took a step forward, "Why? You thought I barged in here because I wanna take a look at your titless body?" He stated and with that, I whacked him on his head.

"OUT! NOW!" I said.

"As you wish, madame."

"I said stop talking so posh!"

"Oops... Sorry."

I just stood there, waiting for him and Adrian to leave but he didn't. He leaned over and whispered, "I'm still hoping that you'll accept my apology someday."

I smirked, knowing that it's not gonna happen. He is the only person who have entered my hate list and that list won't change. He would be there in my hate list forever. As in FOREVER!

"Not gonna happen Julian." I said.

"Yeah right. You said that you'll accept my apology once I do anything that you ask me to do." He said.

"Did you and kuya Julian fight?" Adrian asked me. (A/N: Kuya means 'big brother')

 "Yes." "No." We both said differently.

"Uh... Why don't we play another game, Adrian?" Julian said, changing the topic.

"Really Jules?" Adrian asked cheerfully and he just nodded. Then, they went out of my room but before Julian set his foot outside my room, he turned around and winked at me.

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