Chapter Thirty-Seven

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After that, we asked our friends to stay for dinner. Everyone is happy especially Julian and I. We're officially dating and most of all, both of my parents approved of it.

"We'll see you tomorrow! And best of luck for the talent show!!!" Blake said as they all waved at us while walking out of the gate. When they were gone, Julian and I decided to sit on the hammock while gazing up at the starry night sky, the cold wind blowing gently past us. We still felt cold even though we're already wearing our jumpers and trackies so we decided to cuddle up with each other.

"We're officially dating." Julian said.

"Yeah. You know what? I've never felt so happy and relieved like this." I said.

"Why? Didn't you feel happy last time?"

"Well, of course not since we were faking it to everyone---."

"But we made it real later on."

"I know but still and the fact that we're keeping our relationship a secret to my parents. It wasn't that milk-and-honey-like situation."

Then silence filled between us but he broke it up, "Are you ready for the talent show tomorrow?" he asked me.

"As I'll ever be." I said while smiling. "I'm so glad that Will volunteered to let us sing his own song."  And then my smile faded as I remembered that we're versing Triple Threat tomorrow. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"We're versing Triple Threat tomorrow and I'm worried. What if they win by using their dirty-tactics? It's not fair, you know... They already used their 'black magic' to get rid of Sarah and  what if they use it on us this time? What if we---." I said but he cut me off by kissing me softly on my lips. As soon as our lips met, relief and courage washed over me.

He pulled away, "What if you stop worrying?" he said with a teasing smile. I smiled as he pulled me closer to him and hugged me. "We will be alright tomorrow, trust me." He said then he kissed my forehead. After a minute, we decided to go inside since it's really getting colder outside. I went to bed with a smile on my face.

-Next day-

I opened my eyes and the first thing that I saw actually scared the daylights out of me. "Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!! MONSTEEEEEERRRRR!!!!" I screamed on top of my lungs as I hit the scary figure on top of me with my pillow. "GET OUT OF MY ROOM, NOW!!!" Just then the scary figure spoke up, "WAIT!!! HANNAH!!! IT'S JUST ME!!!"

And then in a split second, I realized that it was Julian. He pulled his mask off, "It's just me! Jeez!" he said. "I HATE YOU JULIAN!" I cried as I hit him with my pillow.

"Aw... Don't be like that! Come on!" He said as he put his arms around me.

"I hate you! You scared me to death!" I shrieked then I hit his chest.

"I'm sorry babe..." He apologized. I rolled my eyes and he kissed me on my cheek.

"Good morning!" He greeted me with a smile.

"Good morning your face!" I huffed and pushed him away from me as I tried to get off of my bed when suddenly he pulled me back down onto the bed, locked me in his arms, and wrestled me onto the bed.

"Julian! Stop being such a kid!" I said while laughing and trying to free myself from him.

"Come on, you know you love me." He said as he bit my earlobe gently and I burst into giggles. "Julian..." I giggled and then he continued to smother me with his sweet kisses until the door burst open and saw Adrian there.

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