Chapter Seventeen

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"A g-ghost?" Matthew repeated as fear rippled through his face and voice. I nodded. He screamed and fling his arms around Shona. "Shona! I don't wanna be here anymore!!! Let's go home!"

Shona whacked his head, "You're such a coward! It's just a ghost! It can't hurt us anymore because basically, it's just a person's soul trapped on Earth." She explained with a straight face and then a few seconds later, her expression turned into a frightened one.

"Waaaaaahhhh!!! Matthew!!! Let's go home! Let's back out from this retreat right now!" She cried as she linked her arms with his and they both cuddled up in fear while crying.

"Jeez... Calm down." Julian said. "The ghost that Hannah just saw isn't doing anything to us."

"How did you know?" Matthew asked.

"I can see her now also." He replied nonchalantly and this made Matthew and Shona jump in fright and scream. I looked around and saw the little girl standing beside Shona.

I looked at Julian, "You do?" I asked.

"Yeah. It's the little girl wearing a white lace dress, barefooted, and had her hair in pigtails, right? The same little girl that we saw outside when we we're heading back here and she's standing beside Shona right now." He whispered to me.

"Did someone left the window open? It's suddenly freezing cold here." Shona said as she hugged herself to keep her warm.

"Are you on drugs? The windows are barred!" Matthew said.

"No... Seriously Matthew, it's really cold right here in my place." She said.

"Uh Shona, she's standing beside you." Julian said carefully.

"What?" Shona said and then she looked at me and I just nodded. Matthew screamed and ran away in fright.

"MATTHEW!!!" Shona yelled as she ran after him.

"You should go." The little girl said.

My eyebrows furrowed, "What do you mean?" I asked in a low voice so the other students wouldn't hear.

"Your whole class is in danger. Hurry up and convince your teacher to leave with you before it's too late." She said.

"What? Wait... Why are we in danger?" I asked but then she vanished. "Fuck. She vanished again." I looked at Julian and he was looking at me also.

"What are we going to do now?" I asked him as we sat on the steps of the stairs leading to their place.

"I think we should follow what the ghost kid says." He said.


And so we did. We tried to convince the teachers to postpone the retreat but they didn't agree with us and instead, we were punished by making us help the kitchenhand do the dishes at lunchtime.

When we finished doing the dishes, we separated ways as for it's time for an afternoon nap. "See ya later Hannah." Julian said.

"Yep. See ya Julian." I replied and then went upstairs. I opened the door and saw Shona sleeping on her bed. Her back was turned to me and she was wearing a blue shirt and black skinny jeans, the same clothing that she was wearing when she came to school.

I lied down on my bed and closed my eyes, tried to get some sleep. I was about to fell asleep when I heard someone crying. I quickly opned my eyes and sat up straight on bed. Thinking that it was Shona, "Shona, it's alright. The ghost won't hurt us." I assured her. She must be scared because of all these ghost thing.

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