Chapter Forty-One

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I woke up only to find Julian sleeping peacefully beside me while his arms were wrapped tightly around me. Yes, we slept together on the same bed. Nothing really happened. After that very upsetting night, I asked him to sleep with me... Which I meant beside me. I just need someone to hold me through the night and I know that it is him.

I tried to remove them because I really need to stretch my arms, but he hugged me tighter. "Don't try to escape from my arms because I won't let you go no matter what." He said sleepily. Oh well, this is nice... Waking up in the arms of the person that you love but I really need to stretch my arms because they are aching so bad right now.

I giggled and removed his arms around me and tried to get out of bed. "Hannah..." Julian grumbled as he pulled me back down onto the bed and wrestled me while smothering me with kisses.

"Argh! Julian! Stop it!" I said while laughing. He locked my legs in between him and encircled me with his big strong arms. "I love you." He whispered. I giggled again, "I know." I replied.

Julian chuckled, "I thought you were going to say 'I love you too Julian.' then we'll start a heated make-out session." He said. I made a face, "In your dreams!" I said as I nudged his rib. "You're being a horny jerk again!"

"But you fell in love with this what you call a 'horny jerk'." He beamed proudly while doing quotation symbols with his fingers.

"Whatever with a capital W!" I said and hit his chest. I sat up on the bed and so he did while smiling at me. "What?"


"Julian, tell me. What is it? Why are you smiling?"

"It's just I'm happy that I get to see your face everytime I wake up in the morning."

"So does that mean that you're happy that I got kicked out of Miela's room?"

Julian gulped, "N-No! That's not what I meant!" He stammered but I narrowed my eyes to see if he's telling the truth. His shoulders drooped, "Okay, fine. I'm quite happy that you got kicked out of Miela's room because that made you stay in my room." He admitted. I laughed. Sometimes, he can act like a retarded baby and I don't know what to do with him. And I can't really believe myself that I fell for a kind of guy like him.

"By the way, about Miela..." Julian started off.

"Yeah? She's leaving today, isn't she?" I said as I stood up. At last! That bitchy witch sister of Julian will be gone from my life!

"Well, truth is, she's not." He said.

My eyeballs almost popped out from their own sockets as disappointment filled me in. "What?" I said with my jaw dropped, my lower jaw nearly separating from the upper one. "A-Are you kidding me?"

"No I'm not." He said simply.

I forced myself to laugh, "Ahahaha! Miela's not leaving today! Ahahahaha! That's great! Great!... Not. Someone, hang me up to the celing NOW." Then after that I don't know what happened, I must've fainted.




"Hannah, wake up."

I opened my eyes only to see Julian gazing down upon me worriedly. "Julian?" I croaked. He sighed with relief, "Ah! Thank goodness! You're alright!" He said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You passed out." He replied and then I remembered the moment where I was laughing sarcastically because.... MIELA IS NOT FREAKIN' LEAVING. Holy crap! Now I have this queasy feeling in me again! Good job Hannah for making yourself remember it again. I may as well give you a punch in the face.

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