Chapter Forty-Six: Hero

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Chapter Forty-Six: Hero


I woke up the next day, annoyed for it was very hot and sweat was trickling down my neck and my back. Since my beauty sleep was already ruined, I decided to take a bath. If it wasn't just for my brother, I wouldn't have to come here in this country for a vacation.

I was already in the bathroom and starting to remove my clothes when the door opened and saw a guy standing in front of me, scratching his... You know... thing.

"OH MY FUCKIN' GOD!!!!" We both screamed. I quickly put my bathrobe on and hit him repetitively with my slipper.


"HUUUUAAAWWW! YOUR BATHROOM?! YOUR BATHROOM!!!???" He said mocking. "Hey you!" Then he pointed his finger at me but I swatted it away from my view as for no one ever is allowed to point at me. "You're just a visitor here so you don't have the right to be a bitch!"

"Whatever with a capital W, pervert! Maniac! Sex-addict! Jackass!"

And then Hannah's grandmother, Lenna came. The one who cooks greatly in the house. "What's happening here?" she asked.

"Granny Lenna, this guy is a pervert! He entered the bathroom while I was taking my clothes off!" I said and with that, she turned to the guy and whacked his head.

"You gutless pig! Why did you do that?! She is one of our visitors here!!!" She hissed at him.

"But Granny, the door was unlocked so I-I thought that... there's no one in here!!!" The guy said in defense.

"You are not using your head again! What's the use of your parents sending you to a private school if you won't use your head at all in real life?! We are not the only ones in this house okay?! Have some consideration! Bloody hell, Kobe!!!!" She said and then she hit his head again.

Kobe? Oh! Yeah! I remember him now! He is  Hannah's cousin! Well, blame me for going to bed as soon I was introduced to Hannah's family last night. I was hell tired, okay?! Hashtag jetlagged.

Granny Lenna turned to me with an apologetic smile, "I apologize to what my grandson, Kobe just did." She said.

"Next time, you should lock the door so no one can enter." Maniac guy... Er... Kobe said, a little bit pissed. Yeah right. Hashtag, you are still a maniac.

"And somehow, Kobe has a point. Lock the door next time, alright? So no one like my pig-head grandson can enter the bathroom." She said. "I'm really sorry. Uh... Miela, the breakfast is ready so after you wash up and get dressed, come join us with your family." Then she pulled Kobe out of the bathroom with her and I closed the door and made sure that it was locked.

I took a bath then I went into my room and dressed up. I put on my black shorts, light blue tank top, and my pair of thongs and then I brushed my hair. I didn't went downstairs for I was so pissed a while ago at that Kobe guy! How dare he fucking enter the bathroom without even knocking?!

My gosh Miela! You didn't even lock the goddamn door! You're so stupid!

In annoyance, I slapped myself in front of the mirror a few times. "Miela, we're having breakfast already." Mum called out from outside the door.

"A-Alright! Coming!" I responded. I looked at myself one last time on the mirror and then I went downstairs to have breakfast with everyone.

I sat beside mum and reached for a sausage when suddenly, I saw a fork stabbed on the sausage that I was targeting on. I looked up to see who's the glutton owner of that goddamn fork and hand only to find the same guy who saw me naked in the bathroom this morning, Kobe. I glared at him and so he did at me. We glared at each other for what seemed like forever and then he let go of the sausage. I smirked and got it and put it on my plate.

Granny Lenna cleared her throat, "We apologize but there has been some kind of change of plans for today." She said. "We are going to be busy today because we need to prepare for the Guling-Guling Martes so I guess we won't be able to take you to all the tourist spots near hear in Paoay, Ilocos Norte."

"I can be their tour guide." Hannah volunteered. Ugh. There she goes again, showing off to the people around her! As you have noticed, I really don't like this girl. She likes to show off to everyone! Too bad, she didn't fall off the terrace a few nights ago. I rolled my eyes and took a bite on my sausage.

"As much as we want you to but you can't Hannah. You will be helping in the preparation." Mrs. Garcia said.

"I think that's alright."Julian said and I looked at him in shock. "We were here for the event too so I guess it's just fair if we help. Can we?"

"Oh of course. You are very welcome to help." Granny Lenna said.

"I think I'll help with the cooking. I wanna learn to cook some Filipino food." Mum said.

"Aca-excuse me?! Mum?!" I said, giving her the 'what the hell are you talking about?' look. She ignored me and turned to Hannah's mum, "Anita, I would like you to teach me how to cook your delicacies." She said.

"I am honoured." Mrs. Garcia replied with a British accent and they both giggled like two high school girls. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't think I wanna help." I said.

"Then don't." Kobe said. "We don't need you anyways."

I smirked, "Are you sure?" I said.

"Yeah since you don't want your hands to get dirty and your nails get chipped." He said while smiling. Grrr!!! This guy is really getting into my nerves!

"Well, at least I don't enter the bathroom while scratching my private parts knowing that someone is in there." I said.

"Oh yeah? At least I don't forget to lock the door while I'm in the bathroom!" He shot back.

"Oh enough you two!" Granny Lenna said.

"Uh... Do both of you know something that we don't?" Hannah asked.

"I do and that is FOR YOU TO STAY OUT OF SOMEONE ELSE'S BUSINESS! SO MIND YOUR OWN GODDAMN BUSINESS!" I said and I felt everyone's eyes on me. In fact, they were all glaring at me. Yes, ALL meaning my family is included.

"I'm so done with this." I said then I stood up and went out of the house. As soon as I set my foot on the road, all of the people in the neighbourhood are looking at me but I paid no attention to them and just continued walking. A little while later, I noticed that there are three men who are looking at me and the way they look at me is just... scary. They looked like rapists... Or maybe they are.

Scared for my own life, I walked past by them quickly and when I thought that I had let them off my back, I found out that I was wrong. THEY WERE FOLLOWING ME! Panic rushed through my body that I didn't notice that I was already running so fast. However, no matter how fast I ran, the three men were able to catch up with me.

"Gotcha!" The three men said. Two of them were holding each of my arms while the other one was touching my bum, hips, and my waist while laughing like a maniac. They were talking in their language which I unfortunately do not understand! Goodness Lord!

"Let me go you swine!!!" I cried as I try to free myself from them but I failed. "Stop it!!! No!!! Please!!! Let me go!!! Let me go!!!" They pushed me down to the ground and started to get on top of me while trying to strip my clothes off me.

"Help me!!!" I cried more. "HELP!!! HELP ME!!! KOBE!!!! KOBE!!!"

"HEY!!! LET GO OF HER!!!" I heard someone shout and I recognize who it was. It's KOBE! The three egg-heads got off me and faced him and in an instant, he was punching and kicking them. After a while of beating them into a pulp, the three men ran in fright. He turned to me with a worried look on his face.

"Are you alright?" he asked me as he cupped my face and wiped my tears away. "Are you hurt?" I was too upset to reply that my arms just automatically hugged his torso tight and a few seconds later, as soon as I felt his arms embrace me, I knew that I'm already safe and secured.

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