Chapter Thirty

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Julian and I went into our first period which is Maths and I can't concentrate well because of the news that Sarah Griffiths backed out from the talent show. I know I shouldn't be this worried because it's got nothing to do with me but I can't help it. And I can't help but to think that Triple Threat has got something to do with it.

Just then, something hit me on the head. I grumbled and rolled my eyes and saw a scrunched up paper on the floor. I picked it up and opened it and in it, it says:

What's wrong?  -Julian xx

"Really Julian? Do you really have to throw a paper onto my head when we're just sitting next to each other?" I said loudly.

"You're spaced out."  Julian replied.

"No I'm not."

"Yeah you are."

"Do you want me to shove my two notebooks onto your face?"

"Hehehe... Come on! I know you love me."

I rolled my eyes and went back to my work even though I'm not really working and that my mind is just wandering off to the subject.

"Come on. Just tell me Hannah. It's obvious that there's something bothering you." He said.

I sighed, "Well, it's about Sarah backing out from the talent show. Like as you and Travis had said, she never backs out from anything. And I think..." I trailed off.

"You think what?"

"I think Triple Threat has got something to do with this."

He chuckled, "What? I mean, how come?" he asked.

"Well, they're bitches. They do whatever they want... And maybe, they threatened Sarah."

"You're paranoid, Hannah."

"I'm not paranoid Julian."

"You are. I mean, yes they are bitches but I know that Maddison is not a dirty player."

I was shocked. Why is he even defending those btiches?! I glared at him and then the siren went off. We all packed up our things and stood up from our seats while the teacher is telling us to complete the worksheet at home. I rolled my eyes and then quickly went out of the room and rushed to my locker while Julian was behind, following me.

"Hannah!" He called out.

I ignored him and just put some of my books back into my locker. "Hannah, I was just being open-minded." He said. I slammed my locker door shut and glared at him.

"No Julian! You were being a dick! How can you defend those three bitches?! You know how those three work!" I yelled.

"Hannah, tone down your voice. The students are staring at us right now, you know."

"I don't fucking care! What I want to know is that why are you defending them?! Why?! Did you fuck one of them before?!" And then anger and hurt rippled through his face, like I have hit a nerve right there. "Oh yeah. That's right. Maybe you fucked Maddison before you met me, my whole family, and went out with me!"

"Goodness Lord Hannah! Do you ever think I would do that?!"

"Why not? You're the horny jerk right here!"

"God... You're insane!"

"And you're unbelievable! How can you defend the Triple Threat?! Gosh Julian!"

"Hannah, all I'm trying to say is that you can't accuse someone without a proof!"

I rolled my eyes again, "Whatever! Fuck you!" I said and then pushed him out of the way and walked to my next class which is English. Great. Not. I have a class again with no other than Mr. Jerk... Er... Julian.

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