Chapter Thirty-Four

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  • Zadedykowane All of my followers here in Wattpad. :)


"I'm feeling your style...

Let me steal you a while

You know I'm all you need

Baby come with me...

What'cha doing tonight?

I'll drop the top we can ride

Coz I know that

(She's a ghetto superstar)"

The doorbell rang and so I hurried out of my studio thinking that it might be Julian and Hannah. I opened the door and saw Julian but not Hannah.

"Julian! Wait... Where's Hannah?" I asked.

"Long story." He said as I let him come in.

"You can summarize it." I said as we went into my studio.

"Hannah and I broke up." He replied as he sat down on the black beanbag.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK MAN?! What happened?!"

"She broke up with me because she couldn't handle the tests that were being put into our relationship."

No! This can't be happening! They can't break up! Argh! What the hell did came into Hannah's mind and decided to break up with Julian?! They are so perfect with each other! Now, wait a minute... What if I help them get back together? Ha! Yeah! That's right.

Just then, my phone rang and saw that it was Hannah. I remember getting her phone number when we met at the stairs. "I'll be back in a moment. Excuse me." I said politely to Julian and went out of the studio and answered it.

"Hello? Hannah?"

"Hey Will... Uh... I wanna come over to your house to rehearse but I can't 'cause of my ankle and the fact that I don't know your house."

"Hannah, just get straight to the point."

I heard her sigh from the other end of the line and said, "Can you pick me up?"

I chuckled, "Sure. I'll be there in 10 minutes... Or maybe not. Text me your address." I said then hung up. I went back to the studio. "Who's that?" Julian asked.

"Oh... Uh... Just my friend. She wants me to pick her up from the mall to come over here at my house. Haven't seen her in ages." I said. " Just feel free to explore here in the studio, alright? I'll be back." And as soon as I got Hannah's address, I left. I got into my car and called Shona and Matthew. Yes, I have their numbers as well and told them what happened. I even called Travis to come over and fortunately, they are all coming!

Ha! Let's now get this show on the road. **smirks**


Hannah is now with me and we're driving back to my place. "Julian told me that you and him broke up. Is that true?" I asked.

"Yeah." She replied quietly while looking out of the window.


She fell silent. "Hannah?" I spoke again.

"I don't wanna talk about it." She said. I turned my attention back to my driving. After a few minutes, we're already back at my place. I helped her get out of the car and she thankede in return and we both went straight to my studio and both of her and Julian's expressions were what I've just predicted--- Shock, hate, anger, pain, and most of all, loneliness.

"Okay, now that Hannah's here... Let's start." I said and then I went to my laptop to prepare the minus one of the song.

"Some friend huh?" I heard Julian said behind me. I turned around and faced him, "Julian, just let it go, alright? Both of you are here to practice, nothing more, nothing less." Then I clapped my hands. "Alrighty then. Let's start. Get out your lyrics."

Living With Julian De VizioOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz