Chapter Fifty-Seven: Skype call

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Another "KIELA" (Kobe and Miela) moment!!!





After that fun dinner with Julian and his bandmates, we went back to the hotel. As soon as I got into my room, I took a shower then dressed into my warm and comfy pajamas. I didn't sleep right away so I decided to go on my laptop and Skype my friends but unluckily, they weren't on. I was about to go offline but then I received a video call from no other than my man, Kobe. I clicked on the 'answer' button and his face popped right away on my screen.

"Hi Miela!" Kobe greeted me with his sweet smile, showing off his dimples that caught my heart.

"Hey Kobe!" I greeted him back.

"How are you? I miss you." He said.

"Well, I'm fine except with the fact that I'm missing you too."

"Aw baby..."

"Anyway, how's it going back there?"

"Everything's still the same. Noisy but happy."

I smiled. "I still can't believe that we're dating already." He added and I can really see that he's happy because the way that his eyes twinkle.

I giggled, "Yeah. Me too. And I can still remember how you made me agree to be your girlfriend." I said.


"Where are you going?" I asked Kobe, who was then about to leave the door.

"Uh... I have some errands to do." Kobe replied coldly then he quickly left. He was acting so weird. And when I mean weird, REALLY WEIRD. He didn't greet me this morning. He was also avoiding eye contact with me. And whenever I try to talk to him, he's trying to avoid me. Is there something wrong with me? And then suddenly, it hit me.

Maybe Kobe doesn't want me anymore. Maybe he realized that he's just wasting his time on me. My heart shattered at the realization but a part of me doesn't want to believe it. Well, I haven't got a strong proof yet. I followed him and saw him talking to a girl around their neighbourhood and he's holding a bunch of flowers. Well, maybe that's it. That's the proof that I've been wanting and searching for.

I quickly went back to the house and sat on the steps, crying and praying that no one will see me.

"Miela, why are you crying?" Kobe asked me.

I stood up hastily and slapped him right across his cheek, "STOP PLAYING GAMES WITH ME ANYMORE KOBE! I'M NOT DUMB!" I said.

"What are you talking about?!" he asked.

"Wow. Seriously? You really have to ask me that?" I said.

"Yes because I can't understand why you're so angry at me!"

"So that's why you've been avoiding me, huh?! It's because of that girl!"

"What? What girl?!"

"That short, flat-chested, toothpick built girl that you're talking to a few minutes ago!"

"Oh, you mean Liza?"

"Whatever her name is but yeah! So what now? Are you courting her?"

"Courting her?! Miela, you're the only one that I'm courting right now!"

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