Chapter Twenty-Two

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I removed his hand from my forehead, "Don't worry Julian, I'll be fine. I'll just sleep this off." I said.

"Are you sure? But you're-."

"I said I'll be fine Julian. Go to your room now. You need to rest as well. Tomorrow's a big day for both of us."


I lied on my bed and he put the covers on me and looked at me. "You can go now Julian." I said.

"Night Hannah."

"Night Julian."

And then he shut the door behind him and I immediately fell asleep.


I woke up and I still feel weak and dizzy. I felt my neck and it's still hot. I'll never be able to make it today.

Anyway, I still got off from my bed and took a shower, dressed into my school uniform and then I went downstairs only to find Julian and Adrian having breakfast together.

"Feeling better Hannah?" Julian asked me.

"Yeah. See? I told you I'll be fine." I lied.

He grinned at me and drank his tea. I sat down and put jam and butter on my bread and ate it. After breakfast, the three of us already piled into the car.

"Julian, that talent show of yours... Isn't it tonight?" Mrs. De Vizio asked.

"Yeah." Julian replied and then he went back to humming the melody of our song for tonight.

"Hannah, Julian, good luck on both of you. Just remember to have fun, okay?" She said and we both nodded. After 3 minutes, we already reached our school.

As soon as we got off, Julian and I quickly made our way to the music room to practice a little bit and we both sounded great despite the fact that I'm still sick and that I'm trying my best to hide it from Julian because I don't want him to worry about me. I don't want to ruin this day for him. I don't want to let him down. I love him.

The first two periods went faster than I thought and right now, here we are in the cafeteria, eating our snacks.

"Oh my god! I'm so excited for your performance tonight!" Shona squealed. "Hannah, I'll do your hair and make-up for tonight!"

"Hey! That's my job!" Matthew said.

"Fine! You do her make up and I'll do her hair!"


And then, Travis joined us. He was telling us how excited he was and how he can't wait to show off some of his dance moves to the whole school.

Third and fourth period came and I wasn't getting any better. My head felt so heavy and I feel like throwing up. I tried my best to ignore it as I was decorating the stage with Julian and the other chosen students.

"Are you okay?" Julian asked me. "You've never said a word ever since we got here at school."

I smiled weakly, "I'm fine." I said and went back to decorating.

Lunchtime came and I still feel sick as hell. I decided to get some lunch and then drank lots of water but it seems to only get worse.

Fifth period and it's already time for our rehearsal. I walked up to the stage and Julian jogged to me excitedly, "Are you excited?" he asked.

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