Chapter Forty-Four: Going to the Philippines

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The tests in our school already ended and semester one ended as well too. And so, here we are at home, bored as hell. Since we've got like three weeks of break, I guess those three weeks would be hell because of Miela.

We were all having breakfast and Julian and his family were talking of what to do during the semestral break.

"What if we go to Sydney?" Miela suggested.

"We always go there every semestral break. Can we change it at least?" Julian said.

"But it's so fun in Sydney!"

"Yes but like I said, we always go there every semestral break. Aren't you getting tired of that place?"

"Uh... No?"

"Hannah, what are some good places to visit in your country?" Mr. De Vizio asked me. I shot my head up, "Well, I know a good place, it's called Ilocos Norte." I said.

"It's actually my hometown." Mum joined in and I saw Miela rolled her eyes.

"The people there hold festivals every month. Actually, they are about to hold a festival again this month." I said. Mr. De Vizio's left eyebrow raised in amusement.

"Oh. That's nice." He said. "I think we'll choose your mum's hometown as our tourist destination."

I smiled and Julian cheered while Miela rolled her eyes again. "Anita, you and your family can come as well with us." Mrs. De Vizio said.

"Nah. I think we'll just stay here. The ticket's expensive." Mum replied.

"Mrs. Garcia, I was looking on the internet last night and saw some cheap airplane tickets. I think we can go for a budget airline. Right dad?" Julian said.

"But dad, budget airlines are uncomfortable! You can't stretch your legs and the people there are so noisy and stuff!" Miela complained.

"Will you stop acting like a girl?" Julian said.


"Oh really? I thought you were a guy."

"Dad, Julian's teasing me!"

"Oh enough you two." Mr. De Vizio said.

"Hannah, what is the festival called?" Mrs. De Vizio asked.

"It's called Guling-guling Martes. It's when men and women wear traditional clothing and dance like there's no tomorrow." I answered with a smile, remembering how I used to dance during that festival.

"Sounds fun." Julian said. "Can't wait to try wearing your traditional clothing!" I giggled and then I looked at Mum and she was smiling too.

"I don't wanna try wearing that stupid traditional clothing of yours." Miela said.

I smiled at her cleverly, "It's okay Miela, I don't expect you as well to try our traditional clothing because I'm afraid that you might look stupid in our stupid traditional outfit." I said and she fell silent and just threw me her infamous death glares.

That night, Dad booked a flight for us while Mr. De Vizio did for his family and both of our flights are scheduled tomorrow morning and we are expected to arrive at Ilocos Norte the day after tomorrow. Sigh, long flight again but having Julian and my family with me, I wouldn't complain anymore.

"Oh I'm so excited to go back home!!!" I squealed in joy. Julian just laughed at me.

"You know what Julian? As soon as I get home, I would ate my Lola (Granny) Lena's specialty, Adobo!" I said as I collapsed back down onto the bed. We just finished packing our things.

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