Chapter Fifty-Two

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After a week of spending our holidays over the Philippines, we already went back to Australia. It sucked to leave your birthplace but if it's for the best then I think it's not that bad. Kobe and Miela are still going out and still keeping in touch with each other. They are really cute together. Not long after we went back, school started already. Julian and I also found out that Will already transfered schools. He's already in Sydney, finishing his school there.

And the day that Julian has been waiting for finally arrived. Yes, he's gonna try out for the Xfactor. That night, he was already packing his things for his flight the next day. I hate it that he's leaving but I know he's doing it for his dream.

"Finally, I finished packing." He said as he put his bags by the door and then he turned to me, his face turned from happy to worried. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I answered.

"Are you sure?"


"But you're crying."

And then I suddenly realized that I've been staring at him for a long time that I didn't realize that I was crying. I felt my cheeks and they were wet with tears. I quickly wiped them off. He sat beside me on the bed and wiped the rest of them for me.

"Hannah, tell me, what's wrong?" he asked.

"I'm gonna miss you." I sobbed softly as I fling my arms around him and hugged him tight.

"I'm gonna miss you too." He responded, his voice shaking. I looked at him and he was preventing himself from crying. He held my hands, "But Hannah, I'm doing this because I wanna fulfill my dream of becoming a singer."

"I know Julian. I know." I said as I put my right hand on his cheek. "And you have all my love and support." And then I kissed him with such passion.

The next day, I went to the airport with his family to bid him a goodbye.

"Take care Julian and good luck. I know you'll be able to make it through the audition." Mr. De Vizio said.

"Come back soon big bro!" Miela said as she hugged him. His parents hugged him as well. He looked at me and gave me a kiss on my forehead and then he turned around and went inside the airport. I watched him walked in but something inside me was telling me to go after him and so I did what my heart was telling me to do. I ran as fast as I could until I couldn't catch up with him anymore that all I can do was to call out his name.

"JULIAAAAAAN!!!" I yelled across the building and that resulted for him to look back, even the people around us looked but I don't care anymore. Tears started to come out of my eyes again as I looked at him one last time. He dropped his bags and jogged towards me and kissed me passionately.

We pulled away from each other, breathless, "Is there any way that I can do to make you to stay?" I asked.

"Hannah, you know why am I leaving you." He sobbed softly as he looked into my eyes while cupping my face with his warm hands. "You told me that I should go out and fulfill my dream and that's what I'm gonna do... And besides, I am not doing this just for myself. I'm doing it for my family and most of all, for YOU Hannah. FOR YOU." And then he gently collided his forehead onto mine as we both cried.

"I never thought that this is not gonna be easy."

"No one said that it'll be easy Hannah but we'll make it through if our love for each other is strong. And we can make it through all of these."

I cried even more as I hugged him tight. I looked at him, "Promise me you'll come back." I said.

"I promise." He said then he sealed the deal with a kiss. After that, he wiped his tears and went back to his bags and carried them. We both waved each other goodbye and then he turned around and started to vanish into the crowd. I went home together with his family and as soon as I went into Julian's room which is my room as well, I quickly felt the emptiness in me. Everything was melancholic.

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