Chapter Thirty-Five

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 "Julian, can't you understand?!" I said as I looked at him again. "We can't be together!"

"Why Hannah?! Explain to me why can't we be together!?" Julian said.

"Nobody wants us together! Everyone is tearing us apart!" I replied.

"Everyone?! Hannah, NOT EVERYONE! Your mum is just the only person who's trying to tear us apart!" He said then he held both of my hands. "And why should we care about what other people would say? Their opinion doesn't matter in the end but our love for each other does!"

"Please... Give our relationship another chance. We'll make it right this time..." He added. I pulled away from his hold and finally went inside.


DAMN IT! Our plan still didn't work! Sigh... What should we do to make them get back together?! What else can we do?! I was thinking of a plan when my phone rang. I picked it up lazily and answered it without even looking at the caller ID.

"Swag king right here..." I said.

"Nice greeting right there, Mr. Will." Shona said on the other end of the line.

"Shona! Sorry... I didn't know it was you. I could've greeted you more properly."

"That's alright. Anyway, what are we going to do tomorrow?"

"Do what?"

"You know, the 'Get-Hannah-And-Julian-Back-Together' operation."

"I was just thinking of that a few seconds before you called."

I picked up my stress ball and squeezed it again and again with my hand while thinking of what we would do with the couple. I know Hannah wants to take Julian back but there is something holding her back--- her FEAR.

"I reckon Hannah is still in love with Julian." Shona suddenly said.

"Yeah, I'm thinking of the same thing too." I answered and then I tossed the stress ball up in the air. "Based from what I've observed, Hannah still wants Julian back but she's scared."

"Scared of what?" she asked.

"Scared of the things that might happen next." I replied simply. "Maybe she's scared of losing Julian again so she doesn't wanna try being in a relationship with him again." And then an idea hit my head as I hit the wall with the stress ball. "Aha! I've got an idea!"

"Really?" she said.

"Julian is not scared. In fact, he was the one who's chasing after Hannah and begs her to give them another chance!" I exclaimed.

"And your point?"

"Shona, what if we tell Julian what to do? I mean, our move of getting them back together didn't work a while ago so what if we use Julian for our plan? In that way, we already helped him plus he would look like the sweet and passionate guy in Hannah's eyes!"

"I like the idea Will, but what exactly would Julian do?"

"Just leave it to me. I know how to win a girl's heart."


I woke up the next day and my injured feet is already okay. It doesn't feel sore already, although just a bit but hey, at least I can already walk properly! I'M ALREADY FREE FROM THESE STUPID CRUTCHES!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! I quickly went into the bathroom and took a shower while humming the song that Will composed and then after that, I dressed up. I wore a bright yellow free-flowing dress and it really complimented my tanned skin. I blow dried my hair and then brushed it. As I was brushing my hair, I noticed the necklace that Julian gave me perching on top of my black notebook.

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