Chapter Thirty-Three

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"MS. GARCIA????!!!"

I turned around and saw Mr. Hales looking at me like I'm some kind of a criminal and not to mention that he's with the school principal. "Sir... It's t-their fault!" I said to the principal but he shook his head and said, "Into my office, NOW!"


"Have we not taught you students that fights are not acceptable in Rostrevor?!" The principal furiously said, his face was red like an apple. "Ms. Garcia, you are a talented student but that doesn't mean that you have the right to get into a fight!"

"It wasn't my fault sir. I was just defending Julian and myself from them because they were throwing rude comments at us." I explained.

"But still, you shouldn't be hurting your fellow student. That's why we, the staff of this school, are here. We are here to help you sort your problems with one another." He responded.

"My goodness! Sir, haven't you heard?! She was just defending me and herself! Those three were insulting us! And were you there when that happened?! NO." Julian said, his voice raising a little bit.

"Don't you dare to raise your voice on me Mr. De Vizio!" The principal yelled. "You are in my office and I can suspend or even expel you in any minute now!"

"I don't fuckin' care! Suspend or expel me for all you want but here's what I'd like to point out to you Sir, YOU ARE ACCUSING THE WRONG PERSON." He said firmly. "Hannah just gave Maddison what she deserves!"

"Okay, that's it. You two are suspended for three days!" He said. "And as for you Ms. Garcia, you are still lucky that your scholarship wasn't taken away from you."

"WHAT?! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO US SIR! WE WERE THE ONES WHO WERE OFFENDED RIGHT HERE!!!" Julian outraged as he stood up in anger. I held his hand and felt him loosen up when he looked at me. "Don't try to argue with him, Julian..." I sobbed softly.

"But Hannah!" He protested.

"It's alright Julian." I said firmly.

"Hannah, he's being unfair to you!"

"I said it's alright! Fuckin' hell Julian! STOP ARGUING WITH THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU!" And with that the principal spoke up, "I'm going to call your parents. Just wait in the waiting room." He said and we walked there in silence. We went in there and I quickly sat down on the green couch, my head buried in my hands. What have I done?! You're so stupid Hannah! You shouldn't have punched Maddison! Look at what you've done! You've put Julian into trouble!

"I'm sorry Hannah..." Julian spoke softly. I looked up and his eyes were red... Wait, he cried?

He held my hand and placed it along his cheek and tears started rolling down his beautiful blue eyes. "I'm sorry..." he said. I cupped his face with my hands, "No Julian. I'M SORRY...Because of me, you also got into trouble. It should be just me who's suspended right now, not you." I said as I wiped his tears away and then he pulled me closer to him and hugged me.

A few minutes later, the door burst open and mum barged in hastily. "Hannah!" Mum exclaimed as she pulled me away from Julian and then she glared at him. "YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!"

"Mum, it's alright." I said.

"What's alright about it?! Hannah, you were suspended because of him!" She outraged.

"Mum, I said it's alright! It's my fault! I punched someone in the face that's why we got suspended."

And then she fell silent and her shocked expression turned into an angry one, "What?! Why?!" she asked.

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