Chapter Fifty-Four

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I woke up, thinking that what happened a while ago was just a dream. "Hannah, are you okay?" Mum asked worriedly. I sat up on the couch, holding my head, "What happened?" I asked. Mum was about to answer it when the same voice I heard from a while ago interrupted her.

"You fainted after seeing me."

I stood up and turned around, only to find Julian standing there, just a few metres away from me. Tears started to flow out of my eyes as I slowly walked towards him. I stopped and I touched his cheeks, his nose, and his lips and all of them are real! "JULIAN!" I cried as I tiptoed and hugged him tight.

"Hannah." He muffled through the crook of my neck and encircled my waist. "I missed you so much baby."

"I miss you too." I sobbed softly. He pulled away and then cupped my face and kissed me passionately on the lips, his hot breath and warm lips filling me in. My lips parted from his, "You're here..." I said in tears.

"Yes I am." He said softly, colliding his forehead against mine. "Happy birthday." I smiled and kissed him again and again and again. We hugged again. I guess it is a happy birthday for me after all.

"So can we continue the celebration now?" Dad asked and we all agreed and continued to party. In the midst of the celebration, Julian pulled me with him to go to the garden.

"Why are Shona, Matthew, and Travis here?" he asked. "I mean, do they know that we're living together?"

I nodded, "Actually, they just found out moments ago." I said. "Silly me for inviting them and not thinking Travis' connection to you." We both giggled.

"So... What did you get for your birthday?" he asked.

"Um... Let's see... I got the dock speakers that I've been asking dad to buy for me. I got a white lace dress from Shona... And the other gifts, I haven't opened them yet." I said playfully. "But you know what's the best gift I have ever received tonight?"


"You." And then he smiled at me cockily as he pulled me closer to him and kissed me on my cheek. "I'm so happy." I said.

"Me too." He said while smiling brightly. "Not only I got in the auditions, I got to be with the girl that I love on her birthday." I rested my head on his shoulder while smiling.

"Uh... Hannah?"


"Bootcamp starts in a few days."

I looked at him, "Does that mean that you're going away again?" I asked, hoping he'll say no. But I was wrong. He nodded. My heart felt crushed as soon as he confirmed that he's leaving again. Julian held both of my hands, "Hannah, please try to understand me." He said. "You know that I'm only leaving because..."

"Because you wanted to fulfill your dream." I finished off for him while looking down. He lifted my chin up, "But I promise you, I'll never ever forget you." He said softly.

"Really? Promise?"


And then we hugged each other. The next day, he went to school with me and everything seemed to go well that I breezed through school and went home happily with him. Usual thing happened at home with him. We'll have dinner together then sleep beside each other and woke up the next day to do the same things again. I don't really mind as long as I do all of it with him. It just sucks to know that he's leaving for the bootcamp.

-Bootcamp Day-

I went to school without Julian and I already felt like the day is dragging on. "Where's Julian?" Shona asked me as soon as I came to school. I just shook my head and cried into her arms.

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