Chapter Fifty-Eight: The Photo

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We went back to Adelaide the next day. Mum asked me during the trip what happened between Julian and I last night. I explained to her that we were having a tickle fight until we both fell down on the floor. She believed me, fortunately.

Everything still went usual. I wake up every morning in Julian's room, on his bed, take a shower, get dressed in my uniform, eat breakfast, go to school, hang out with Shona and friends. As I've said, everything is still normal despite of Julian being gone. Don't get me wrong but I still miss Julian deeply. Maybe I just got used to the everyday pain and sadness that I have to face.

We were hanging out at the cafeteria when suddenly Shona gasped while looking on the screen of her phone.

"What's wrong?" I asked but she didn't respond and instead, just kept looking on her phone. "Shona? What is it?"

"W-What?" she asked as she looked up.

"I'm asking you. What is it?"

"O-Oh... Um... Uh... Nothing!!! Just saw this selfie of a really hot guy on Facebook, that's all."

And then the bell rang. "I'll see you in my next class Hannah!" Shona said and then she walked away with Travis and Matthew. I knew something was up. I knew that what she saw wasn't just a photo of some random guy over Facebook. That glint of fear showed in her eyes. It was something else...


"What did you see Shona?" I asked her. She looked behind her to make sure that Hannah was gone and she is, so Shona pulled her phone out and what I saw made me nearly drop her phone.

"What the fuck?" Travis said as soon as he saw the photo too.

It was a picture of Julian kissing a girl on the cheek.

"I know right." Shona said.

"Good Lord..." I muttered.

"Really Good Lord. Of all the girls, why Dominique?!" Travis said.

"Who is Dominique?" I asked.

"Well, she's just Julian's first love. Although, they didn't date because she rejected him at the start." He explained.

"Hannah has to see this." I said and Shona turned to me with a mortified expression.

"NO!!!" Shona said. "Are you insane?! Do you want the two of them to fight and break up all over again?! You know how hard are those two to bring back together especially now that Will's gone and he's in the XFactor, with Julian."

"But Shona, Hannah is his girlfriend! She has the right to know what's going on!!!"

"Whatever Matthew but I'm not going to tell this to Shona. Tell you what. If you're a true friend, you will never allow to get your friend hurt."

"And if you're a true friend, you'd tell your friend the truth. Shona, you're already hurting Hannah because you're lying to her! And sometimes, the truth hurts but we must accept it."

Silence filled between the three of us and all we can hear is the chatter and banging of the locker doors of the students along the hallway. "Matthew is right, Shona." Travis spoke up. "We should tell Hannah what we saw."

"Okay, fine." Shona said. "But the question is, who will tell her?"

"You." I said nonchalantly. "Since you found the photo, you should tell her."


"Yes." Travis said.

"No! NO WAY!!!" Shona protested.

"We will back you up, promise." I said. "Just please, tell her what you saw."

"Why don't YOU be the one to tell her? Since you're the one who started this 'if you're a true friend then you'd tell her the truth' thing."

"Fine. We'll meet her at lunchtime."

-Lunch time-

"Whoa... Slow down Matthew. No one's gonna take your food away from you." Hannah told me. I chewed my sandwiches slowly and then swallowed, "Fuck off. I'm stress eating." I said as I took another bite.

She chuckled, "Stress eating? Why are you stressed anyway?" she asked and I coughed out what I was chewing. I hastily grabbed for my drink and gulped the orange juice.

"Jeez... You're acting weird too like Shona." She said.

I sighed, "Okay, here's the thing." I started off as I looked at Travis and Shona who were eating silently in their seats. "Um... Well... We saw this picture of Julian over Facebook."

"And?" she asked.

And here goes nothing...


"And?" I asked. Matthew took a deep breath, "I think it's best if you'll see it." He said then he handed me Shona's phone and saw a picture of Julian, kissing a girl on the cheek.

"Oh, that's alright. It's just Julian kissing a girl on the cheek. Let's not make a big deal out of it..." I said as I leant back on my chair but I sprang forward when realization hit me like a train. "WHAT THE HELL?!" I snatched Shona's phone and looked at the photo carefully once again.

"Hannah, I think you and Julian have to talk." Shona said. I tried not to cry but my emotions were just all over the place at the moment that tears just flowed out of my eyes on their own.

"Y-Yeah..." I said as I wiped my tears and stared into distance. "That jerk has got some explaining to do."

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