Chapter Six

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"Stupid bitch!" The girl said as she poured the remaining hot cocoa from her cup over me. "Get your eyes checked, girl!"

"I-I'm sorry..." I stuttered as she threw me a death glare.

"Sorry? Why? Can your apology clean up my blouse, huh?!" she said angrily as she pulled my hair.

"I said I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bump on you or anything!" I cried and I can see anger in her eyes as she pushed me to the ground. Oh damn. This girl has been working out.

"MADDISON!" I heard a familiar voice from behind. I was about to turn around when the next thing I knew was that, two strong arms scooped me up from the floor and he hastily removed his blazer and wrapped it around me. Yep. It was Julian. As soon as his blazer wrapped my shoulders, he pulled me closer to his body.

The girl smirked, "Oh hey there, Mr. De Vizio." She said.

"When will you ever stop bullying the people around here!?" Julian said. "And what did Hannah do to you to make you do this to her!?"

"Are you blind? Look at what she did to my uniform!" Maddison said.

"Jules, i-it's an accident!" I said with a panic tone in my voice. Who knows? Julian might just go from that being calm and collected to that psycho one if I don't explain myself.

"Look, whatever Hannah did, she's sorry for it." Julian said.

"Why are you defending that little twirp!? I'm the one who's offended here!" She said. I think I'm gonna laugh at this. Her? Offended? I feel like laughing right now.

"Offended or not, you still have no right to pour over her your drink!" Julian countered. Wait... Is this for real? Julian is defending me! Is he on drugs or something? Oh well, at least someone's here to back me up.

"So fuck off Maddison!" He added.

"Why are you defending her? Are you her boyfriend?" Maddison asked in a mocking tone then she laughed. "Doubt it. You? Having a girlfriend? That's the most impossible event in the world! You're hopeless romantic!"

"And what if I told you that she's my girlfriend?!" Julian said and all of the students around us stared at him. He looked at each of them, "Yes,the 'oh-so-hopeless-romantic' Julian De Vizio has a girlfriend!"

Then he pulled me even closer to him, almost crushing me towards his broad, hard torso. Damn, this guy must've been lifting because I can feel his Pecs under his polo. And then he lifted me up, bridal style and walked off from the crowd.

"Are you alright?" he asked me, his voice much softer now. He put me down on a bench nearby then he sat beside me.

I was too upset to reply that I didn't notice the tears streaming down on my cheeks.

"Hey, it's okay. No one would be able to hurt you anymore." Julian said as he wiped my tears away with his white hanky.

"Why did you defend me from that girl a while ago?" I ask.

"I'm not heartless, you know." He said. "And besides, you're a girl. You don't deserve to be hurt by anyone or anything." Then he held my hand, "Hannah, I'm sorry."


Did I hear him right?

He apologized with such sincerity?


Let's play that again.

"Hannah, I'm sorry."

One more time.

"Hannah, I'm sorry."

This is it. One last.

"Hannah, I'm sorry."

"Hannah!" Two familiar voices screamed from the hallway and I looked up only to find Matthew and Shona, dressed in their expensive uniform with bright smiles plastered across their faces as they approached me.

"Ermahgod! Hannah!" Matthew screamed as he opened his arms wide to hug me but Shona pushed him out of the way and took that as an opportunity to hug me.

"Oh my gosh Hannah! This is it! This is it! We're in a private school now!" Shona said with an excited tone in her voice. Well, like me, she also dreams to study inside an elite school like this.

"Wait... Is that cocoa stain on your blouse?" Matthew asked while pointing to the brown stain on my blouse.

"Yeah. Some stupid bitch poured a hot cocoa on her." Julian chimed in and as soon as he spoke up, Matthew and Shona looked up at him like he's some kind of a sex god.

Sex god? What the hell?!

"Oh damn, you're hot." Shona muttered in trance.

"Can I get pregnant with your blue eyes?" Matthew said.

I facepalmed myself with what all of they just said to Julian. I looked at Julian and he let out a little laugh then whispered to me, "Is it just me or is it that you're the only normal person that I am with right now?"

"Sad to say but yes. They've gone in and out of the mental a couple of times before." I said.

"Hannah!" Shona and Matthew said.

"Sorry." I said, trying to maintain myself. "Um... Shona, Matthew, this is Julian. Julian, they are Shona and Matthew. My friends."

"Oh, so they are your friends." He said. "Well, nice to meet you Shona and Matthew. Hope you enjoy your study here in Rostrevor." Then he looked at his watch, "First period's gonna start."

"Oh yeah! I have Science first period." Shona said.

"Samesies! What about you Hannah?" Matthew asked cheerfully.

I looked at my timetable and saw that I have Mathematics as my first subject for the day. I frowned when suddenly, Julian patted my head.

"It's alright. Mr. Jones is a cool Math teacher." He said. I smiled a little bit and from the corner of my eye, I saw Shona and Matthew smiling cheekily.

"Shona, Matt, stop that or I'll pull off all your cheek muscle." I said and their smiles quickly faded.

Shona cleared her throat, "We gotta go now." She said.

"Are both of you will be alright?' Julian asked. "Because I don't want you two getting lost during your first day here."

"Don't worry Julian, we can read the map." Matthew said. "Bye guys! See ya at recess!"  Then they waved at us and left. Meanwhile, Julian and I started walking to our Math class.

"Julian, thank you." I said. He turned to me, a little bit surprised. "Thank you for defending me from that girl."

"No one deserves to be treated like that." He said. "And I wanna make it up to you."

He picked up my hand, "Hannah, I'm very sorry for all the wrong things I've done to you." He said.

I chuckled, "They were VERY wrong." I said. "But my parents told me that no matter how big the mistake of that person has made, I should still accept it and forgive that person."

Then a cheeky smile formed on his lips.

"I don't like what's after that smile." I said.

"You mean you forgive me already?" he asked hopefully.


Then he pouted his lips and I find it a bit cute. Yes, this jerk can be cute sometimes.

"Yes, you're forgiven Julian." I said.

"Really?! YAY!" He cheered and then he hugged me tight.

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