Chapter Nine

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"Are you out of your mind?" I said to Julian. "Me? Joining with you at the talent show?!"

"Why not? You have a great voice." Julian said casually.

"No Julian. No. I can't. I won't."

"Fine! Then I won't join the talent show too."

I looked at him with an 'are-you-serious?' look. He raised his eyebrow and gave me a lopsided grin. "Are you threatening me Julian Girolamo De Vizio?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"Does it sound like that?" He said as he leaned his back on the couch.

I put my guitar down and looked at him with a long face, "Julian, stop messing with me. Just join the goddamn talent show so that this issue will be over." I said.

"I will if you will join too." He said.



I rolled my eyes, "Okay! Fine! I'll do it with you!" I said and he pumped his fist up in the air in victory. Jeez... Now I can't back out from this one. I guess I just have to do my best with him. I stood up and carried my guitar. I was about to go upstairs when he called me back.

"Hannah..." He said.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"Rehearsal tomorrow. Lunchtime. Music room." He stated and he was smiling at me thoughtfully. I smiled back and nodded and then I started taking my steps upstairs when he called me back again.



"Can we talk about something tomorrow?"

"Uh... Should I be afraid of that 'something' for tomorrow?"

"Ah! No! No! Well, it's nothing complicated actually. Don't worry."

"Oh okay then."

And then with that, I quickly went upstairs and then into my room and placed my guitar back in its case. Sigh, what did I get myself into?

** Dinner time **

As usual, my family and Julian's family had dinner together. When we were already eating, I nudged Julian's rib, signaling him to do it.

Well, you might be wondering what it is. A while ago, before dinner, we agreed that he would be the one to announce to everyone about the talent show.

"What is it Julian?" Mrs. De Vizio asked. She must've noticed him all fiddling and fidgeting on the table.

"Um... Well, there's this talent show in our school." Julian said. "And I'm joining."

"That's great Julian!" She said in delight then she turned to my mum. "You know Anita, this son of mine is always included in their school's talent show every year."

"Really? Wow." Mum said. "You're making your parents proud, Julian!"

"He does. That's why I swore to myself that I'd never let myself miss every single of his performance." She said and then with that he turned to Mr. De Vizio who just kept eating his food quietly. Julian looked uneasily at his father.

"So does Hannah." Mum said suddenly out of nowhere. "She's always included in their school's talent show back in the Philippines. I even bought some of the photos of her here."

My eyes widened in surprise. What?! She brought all those horrible photos of me?!

"Can I take a look at them later, Mrs. Garcia?" Julian asked and he has this cheeky look on his face.

"Oh sure Julian!" Mum said.

I threw him and mum a death glare but they ignored me so I just rolled my eyes and sighed in frustration. "What about you Hannah? Are you joining the talent show as well?" Mrs. De Vizio asked me.

"Yes I am. Actually, I'm gonna do it with Julian." I said.

"We'll join in pairs." Julian added. "Uh... Dad, the talent show's next week, Friday night. I was wondering if you're free that day."

"I'll check my schedule son." Mr. De Vizio answered.

Julian, on the other hand just smiled and nodded. But this time, his smile was forced. And I seriously don't like him doing that. If you're not happy then why should you pretend that you are?

After dinner, Julian and I went for a walk at their garden.

"He's not yet sure if he's gonna come or not." He said.

"Is that what's the forced smile is all about?" I said.

"You know me too well."

"What can I say? You're like an open book. Easy to read."

Then silence settled between us as we sat down on the hammock tied up between the two trees in their garden.

"Are you excited for the talent show?" I asked.

"More nervous than excited." He replied. "I'm afraid of failing."

"I'm sure that you're not gonna fail. You're Mr. Genius so if something goes wrong, I know that you'll quickly find a way to solve it." I said then I looked up in the sky and noticed that there were so many stars tonight.

Just then, a shooting star passes by.

"A shooting star! Julian, let's make a wish! Quick!" I said.

"Wish? Shooting star? What are you? A kid?" He said while laughing.

"Just stop being such a party pooper and make a wish!" I said then I closed my eyes and wished that everything will be alright at the audition and at the talent show next week. And also, I wished that whatever Julian wished for tonight would come true.

I opened my eyes and saw Julian, his eyes were closed and then a few seconds later, he opened them and looked at me.

"What did you wish for?" I asked.

"I think I'll just keep that to myself." He said.

"Come on! Tell me!"

"I just wished for me to be able to join XFactor this year." He said.

"Oh! That would definitely come true!" I said. With that kind of voice, he's more likely to get through the auditions.

"And also, […] you would be mine." He said. I looked at him confused and because I didn't quite hear what he said.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. I just wished that you would receive tons of hearing aids this Christmas because to be honest, you really need them."

I whacked his head. "You're being an asshole again!" I said to him.

"An asshole who loves you." He said.

I looked at him and he was smiling cheekily. I could feel my cheeks grew hot. "It's okay to blush." He said and I slapped his shoulder.

"Excuse me, I am not blushing! I just have rosy cheeks!" I said.

"Tss... I've heard that excuse before Hannah. Why don't you just admit that you blushed when I said that?"

I rolled my eyes, "Okay. That's it. You're being an ass again. I'm going in." I said then I tried to go in but he hugged me from behind.

"Thank you." He said gently.

I chuckled, "Thank me later once we go through the auditions." I said then he unwrapped his arms from waist and then I turned to him and he did something that I least expected him to do.

He kissed me on cheeks.

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