Chapter Five

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Of all the schools that could've given me a scholarship, why Rostrevor College?!

Why Julian's school?!

Fuck this life!

I facepalmed myself as Shona and Holly sat beside me.

"What's wrong?" Holly asked me.

"Guys, I received a scholarship from Rostrevor College." I declared and they all looked at me, including Blake, who dropped his plastic spoon back into his bowl of soup.

"Oh that's great Hannah!" Matthew said. "Well, not meant to brag or anything but I got one too from that school as well."

"Same. " Shona chimed in.

"If you received a scholarship from that school, then why are you so upset about it?" Holly asked me.

"Well, that's just where the guy that I hate studies." I said unenthusiastically.

"Oh... You mean the blue-eyed baby boy Julian De Vizio?" Holly said and I nodded. And yes, I've told them about Julian and Holly, Shona and Matthew were all pretty much attracted to him as soon as I described him to them.

"The prankster." Desiree said.

"OH WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN TO ME!?!" I moaned in desperation. I faceplanted myself on the table.

"OH MY GOSH HANNAH! Why does it have to be a big deal to you?! I mean... Okay, it's clear that you hate him so so so so so so sooooooo much and that you guys go to the same school but it's not like you're supposed to hang out with him every time!" Avah said exasperatedly.

"Ermahgod!' Matthew said. "Could it be that you like him?"

"If I was an anti-gay, I could've strangled you now with what you just said." I snap.

"Do you like Julian, Hannah?" Shona asked me.

"Of course not! Why would I like a jerk?!" I said in defense. But deep down, do I really hate him that much?

Oh my goodness Hannah! You do hate him that much! He's in your hate list, remember?

"The more you hate, the more you love." Blake said randomly and obviously, it just made the situation worse. I hit my head on the table.


I went home with Adrian that afternoon. After I changed into my house clothes, I lied down on my bed, feeling annoyed and confused.

I hate Julian... Right?

"Mum prepared some muffins downstairs."

I sat up on my bed, "You really don't know how to knock, aye?" I said.

Julian smirked, making his blue eyes stood out even more. "What can I say? It's my nature." He said proudly as he ran his fingers through his hair and I felt my face grew hot and my heart... It's racing...

"So, when do you want to transfer to Rostrevor?" he asked me suddenly.

"When the first term ends, I guess." I replied, looking away from him.

"I would really be happy if you transfer there.";He said and I looked at him, his eyes locked on mine.

I chuckled, "I won't." I said while smiling goofily at him and he rolled his eyes. "Nah... I'm kidding." He turned his gaze at me again. "It's a private school. I mean, what could I ask for? It's all that I've ever wanted!"

He chuckled then smiled genuinely. "I hope you keep that smile everyday, Julian." I said. "Now, let's go downstairs. My tummy's looking for your mom's muffins!" Then I pulled him with me downstairs. I don't know why or how but I like him being with me even though he's annoying...

"W-Wait... Why did you say that?" he asked.

"Say what?" I asked in return.

"That... You said you're hoping me to keep this smile of mine everyday."

My eyes widened, my cheeks flushed red. Damn! I didn't even notice that! He smirked then let out a little chuckle, "That's alright. I'll keep this smile for you because I said that I'd do anything that you ask me to so that we could be friends already." He stated.

"Ha! Us? Friends? NO WAY! NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS!" I exclaimed while smiling cleverly.

He crinkled his nose while smiling, "You're cute when you smile like that!" He exclaimed then he pinched both of my cheeks with both of his hands.

"FAR OUT JULIAN!" I yelled as I removed his hands from my face. "Get your hands off my face, you horny jerk!"

"I hate you!" I added.

"I love you too." He said while smiling.


The first term already ended and I've already been accepted to Rostrevor which is my dream but could also be my worst nightmare because of Julian. But Shona and Matthew got a scholarship from that school also so maybe it wouldn't be that bad.

--Sunday night (Last night of school holidays)--

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" Julian asked me and once again, he didn't knock on my door.

"Yeah. Except for the fact that I'll be stuck everyday with you." I replied while ironing my school blouse for tomorrow.

"Why do you hate me so much, Hannah?!" He asked desperately.

"And do you really have to ask me that?" I countered. "Do you have a temporary amnesia? 'Cause if you do then I would understand how could you have forgotten those bad things you did to me the first time I got here in Australia."

"Okay, look, I'm sorry." He said. and I can see in his eyes that he's a little bit annoyed.

"See?! You don't even sound like you're sincere about it!"



"What the hell do you really want from me?! I can't understand you!"

"All I want is a sincere apology from you!"

"I already gave you my sincere apology!"

"Well, not enough!"

"Fine! If you want us to be like this forever, alright! If you don't want my apology, then okay! I don't even know why am I wasting my time apologizing and doing shit for you!" Then with that, he walked out of my room. I rolled my eyes then finished off ironing my uniform.

What a good night for me!

-- Tomorrow Morning --

I am now walking in the hallway with the person I despise the most. Yep. You guessed it right. It's Julian. "Okay, you know what? This school tour thing isn't working. You know that I detest you and whatever you do, we would never be ever friends with each other." I said.

"Just be thankful that I'm still doing this for you after that heated discussion last night." Julian replied.

"Well, you don't need to."

"You know what? You're right."

I looked at him, "You're not thinking of leaving me here, right?" I asked, and he just smirked.


"I'll see you at recess Hannah." Then he walked off.

"JULIAN!!!" I called out but he didn't turn around and then he disappeared into the sea of other random students. I took a step back, then turned around only to accidentally bump someone. I saw a girl, probably around my age but she looked a little bit older because of the dark and heavy make-up on her face... And her blouse was stained with the hot cocoa that she was drinking...

And she has that annoyed look on her face.

Oh shoot.

This is not going to turn out good.

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