Chapter Twenty-Seven

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This chapter is dedicated to Catbug_Sierra!

Have fun with the "Julian Feels"!




I went to my bedroom after that discussion with Mrs. Garcia. I was lying on my bed when suddenly, I remembered what Hannah told me at school a while ago. I wonder what she said in her native language means?

I opened up my laptop and the wifi in my room and then I opened my browser and searched on Google... And the result put a wide smile on my face.

Mahal na mahal kita = I love you very much

"Mahal na mahal kita Julian..." I recalled Hannah saying that to me. So what she said means that she loves me very much. I shut down my laptop and then turned the lights off and dozed off with a smile on my face.


The next day, I was the first one to wake up so I decided to cook bacon and pancakes for everyone. I also prepared some pancakes and soup for Hannah to bring it to her room. I removed my apron and brought the tray in Hannah's room and good timing that she's already awake.

"Hey..." I greeted her as I put the tray down on her bed, between the two of us.

"Hey..." Hannah greeted weakly but she still managed to give that beautiful smile of hers.

"Feeling any better?" I asked her as I put a little butter on her pancakes and then cut them into bite-sized pieces for her.

"A little bit." She replied. I stabbed a piece of a cut pancake, "Here comes the train." I said playfully as I put the fork near to her mouth.

"I'm not a baby, Julian." She pouted.

"I know but for me, you ARE my baby." I said and then I winked at her. "Now, open your mouth. I don't want this pancake to go to waste. I made this, you know." She giggled and then opened her mouth and took a bite.

"So what song are we going to sing next Friday?" she asked.

"I was thinking of doing Take You Down by Chris Brown." I said. She smiled, "That's a good song." She said and then I stabbed another piece of bite-sized pancake put the fork near again to her mouth.

"I can eat on my own, Julian." She chuckled.

"But I wanna take care of you." I said.


"Please? Let me take care of you."

She smiled sweetly and so, she let me feed her. After she ate breakfast, I made sure that she drank lots of water and her medicine. I was sorting the dishes onto the tray when suddenly I felt her thin arms wrap around my waist. "Thank you Julian." She said. I held her hand and turned around, "Anything for you Hannah." I said. I was about to go back into sorting the dishes when she turned my face towards her and crashed her soft lips on mine.

I gave into the kiss and pulled her closer to me. My left hand made its way to the back of her neck as we both fell on her bed. "I love you Julian." She said when her lips parted from mine.

"I love you too Hannah." I answered and then kissed her again with such love and hunger. My lips left her mouth and made its way to her neck until I heard her moan.

"Julian... Stop." She breathed out as she pushed me away. We both sat upright on the bed, breathless. "Sorry. I shouldn't have done that. You are not ready yet." I said. "Uh... You better go back to rest so that you can go to school on Monday normally again." And then I stood up and carried the tray with me outside. As soon as I got out of her room, I asked myself what the hell just happened back there.

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