Chapter Forty: The Coca-cola Prank

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Chapter Forty: The Coca-cola Prank


And so, I was forced to move out of my previous room. Julian and I talked to my parents about me staying in his room and they were pretty unsure of what to answer.

"Well, Hannah, it's kind of awkward. And it's no longer a secret that you and Julian have emotional desires for each other which you have to be very careful of because it might lead you to do something else." Dad said.

"Do something else?" I asked, slightly confused.

"Yeah... You know... Uh..." Dad hesitated but when he saw mum covered Adrian's ears, he finally managed to say it. "Have sex at such a very young age."

My face reddened in shame and so did Julian. "DAD! OF COURSE NOT! WE'RE NOT GOING TO DO THAT!" I said.

"Hannah, as your dad said, it's kind of awkward for you to sleep beside a guy. It's very un-ladylike. And besides, you can sleep beside your little brother." Mum said. "Please understand Hannah that we just want the best for both of you."

I looked at Julian, "Well, I can sleep on the couch in my room." Julian suddenly spoke up. "Therefore, she can have all of my bed." Mum and Dad were surprised. "Don't worry, I won't take advantage of Hannah. I love her and I could never do that to her. Just please, Mr. and Mrs. Garcia... let her stay in my room. I want her face to be the last thing that I see everynight before I go to sleep."

"That's very sweet of you but you don't have to." I said.

"No Hannah."

"Okay, what if I get the couch and you get the bed? I bet you're not used to lying on couches because you just sit on them."

"But you'll get a sore back."

"Julian, it's a soft couch."

"Okay Julian, agreed." Dad said. "But if you do anything to Hannah, I'll make sure you'll end up in a hospital bed."

Julian gulped, "Y-Yes sir." He replied nervously. I laughed at the thought that he was scared of my parents. Well, that's a good and bad thing. Good, because that means he has respect for them. Bad, simply because he's scared.

And so, Julian and I moved my things into his room. He was busy moving and arranging my books onto his study table when I hugged him from behind.

"Thank you." I said. He held both of my hands and kissed them, "It's not a big deal. I mean, I'd do anything for you because I love you." He said then he faced me and smiled, his bright blue eyes lightening up.

We had breakfast after that and Miela was still acting bitchy but I tried my best to ignore her. I was reading a book when Miela walked towards me. I paid no attention to her and continued reading my book.

"I just want to say I'm sorry for what happened today." She said.

I looked up at her and smiled, "That's alright." I said. And then she handed me a can of Coca-Cola, "You must be thirsty." she said. I took the can and thanked her. I opened it and the next thing that happened was way unexpected. The drink exploded right on my face and light pink lace singlet.

"You..." I said, my voice shaking in anger. "You did this, didn't you?!"

"Did what?" Miela asked me. "All I did was to hand you the drink!"

"What's happening here?" Julian asked.

"She was accusing me that it was my fault why her drink exploded on her!" Miela faked again her cry. Ugh, this girl...

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