Chapter Sixteen

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After a couple of minutes of resting, Julian and I told the doctor that I'm already okay.

"Alright. Just be careful darlings." She said sweetly. "And remember that when you cross a dark area, always say a prayer, alright?"

We both nodded and then left the clinic.

When you cross a dark area, always say a prayer...

But why?

"Are you excited for the performance this Friday?" Julian asked me.

"Yeah and nervous." I said, turning back into reality.

"You'll be alright and we're doing it in pairs, right? You've got me, I've got you, everything's alright." He said as he carefully slipped his hands on mine. We both smiled at each other.

We continued walking back to where the others are and then suddenly, I saw a little girl standing behind the tree. "Julian, look at the little girl. Isn't she cute?" I asked. He looked at where I was looking then turned to me with a cheeky smile. "Yeah but no one would be ever cuter than you." He said as he leaned over, our lips a few centimetres apart, his hands making their way on my waist.

"Julian!" I said as I removed his hands from my waist. "Stop."

"I was just telling the truth." He said.

"But do you really have to assault me sexually?" I asked.

"It's not a sexual assault. We're dating, remember?"

"You said that we're only faking this relationship."

"That's the thing Hannah! I don't want it to be fake anymore. I want it to be real. I want to have a REAL 'us'."

We both fell silent and then he looked away from me. "W-What?" I asked.

"I said I wanted our relationship to be real." Julian said while looking at me. "I... I'm in love with you."

"I don't know what to say." I said.

And then Julian broke into a massive fits of laughter. "Hey! Why are you laughing?" I asked.

"You fell for it!!!" Julian said and then continued laughing. "You fell for it!!! You fell for it!!!" I looked at him with a confused expression on my face and then a few seconds later, I finally understood what he meant.

"Ah goddamn it Julian! You are such a jerk!" I said to him as I pushed him and slapped his chest. God... You can never take this guy seriously!

"Come on! Let's go back to the lobby." He said, recoverung from his laugh then he put his arm around my shoulders. I looked back to where the little girl was standing and she was gone. I was startled at first because I thought that she was ghost but then I realized that she must've walked off because Julian was acting like an ass again.

We went back to the lobby and the students were there and so were the teachers. A few students came up to me and tried to ask me what happened but Julian shut them off for me.

"She's still in a state of shock. Now please, leave her alone." Julian said firmly and the students scram off.

"Thanks." I said to him with a grateful tone in my voice. He just smiled and patted my back. Sometimes, this guy can be useful.

"HANNAH!!!" Matthew and Shona exclaimed as they ran up to me and hugged me tight.

"Air... I need air..." I said, faking a choke. They let go of me and then Shona was the first one to ask, "Oh my god, are you okay Hannah?"

"Of course she's not okay Shona! Sheez... She just saw something creepy in the wall climbing room." Matthew said as he rolled his eyes and flipped his fringe sideways. "Common sense is unlimited Shona so use it."

"For your information, I have a common sense. Maybe you're the one who doesn't have a common sense, you gaylord." Shona snapped.

"I may be born as a gay but at least I was born beautiful, not like you, you were just born. Period. Case closed." He said and Shona was about to throw a comment again and this is where I decided to step in.

"Hold it right there guys! Stop it, okay? Let's not fight with each other. And what I saw back there a while ago, let's just forget it. It's not worth it anyway." I said but I knew that no matter how hard I try to forget it, I knew that it would haunt me forever.

And then I saw again the little girl...

She was standing in the middle of the room and was looking at me innocently. She was wearing a white lace dress, bare-footed and had her curly hair done in pigtails. Suddenly, the room just smelled like a damp soil. An earthly smell.

"Guys, can you smell anything?" I asked.

"Besides from Julian's sexy-smelling perfume... No." Shona said as she sniffed Julian's neck, almost kissing it, and then Matthew pulled her by the hair.

"You little whore! Stop it! He belongs to Hannah! Leave him alone!!!" Matthew hissed. Shona gave him a death glare and then turned to us and giggled a little bit. A little smile formed on my lips as for they were acting like retards again.

I looked again in the middle of the room and the little girl is still there. Wait... What is she doing here? And why would there be a little girl roaming around a retreat house?! Oh well, maybe she's a relative of one of the staffs here.

But that smell...

"Julian, can you smell anything?" I asked Julian.

"What smell?" he asked in return.

"That earthly smell... Like a damp soil or something."

"What are you talking about? I can't smell anything like that right now."

I looked at the little girl and she was smiling at me and then all of a sudden, she vanished.


She's a ghost.

I felt my body grow cold as I replayed the event in my head. And I'm guessing that my face is so white like a snow right now.

"Hannah? Are you alright?" Julian asked me. I looked at him, Shona, and Matthew and they were all looking at me with worried faces.

"No..." I said. "I think... I think I just saw a ghost again."

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