Chapter Fifteen

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The bus ride lasted for two hours and along the way, Shona and Matthew kept teasing us while Julian was still acting as a horny jerk. I got tired of them so I decided to sleep.


I felt somone shaking me. "Hannah wake up. We're here." Julian said.

I opened my eyes and noticed that the bus was already parked together with the second bus and the students are already hurrying out of the bus. I slung my back pack and hopped out of the bus with Julian, while Shona and Matthew are behind us. Outside, we saw a large white house.

"So here's the setup students!" Mr. Jenkins said. "All of us are going to stay here in the retreat house. We all would be sharing rooms however, the girls and the boys can't share rooms."

"The girls would be on the right side of this retreat house while you boys would be on the left." He added. "So... In we go!"

And so we all went in and all the girls and boys parted in the lobby. I turned to my right to join Shona and the other girls when Julian pulled me back and hugged me, "See ya later." He said and then he kissed my cheek. He pulled away while smiling at me and then left me there, stunned.

"HANNAH GARCIA!!!" Shona said calling my attention while clicking her fingers in front of my eyes.

"Huh? Y-Yes?" I said, snapping out of my trance.

"Let's go! We're going into our room." She said and then pulled me with her upstairs.

We got the third room and inside, it has two medium-sized beds, a dressing table, and beige-and-white curtains. It also has a bathroom.

Shona and I put our stuff in the room and then we went downstairs to the lobby to meet up with all the students and teachers.

The first thing that we did was wall climbing. Well, there's this room in the retreat house and it's only for that activity. We have to climb up the wall as fast as we could to get the flaglets that were hanging on top. The teacher told us that we're doing it with our partner and yes... Julian. I am with Julian.

"Relax..." Julian whispered to me as we both looked at the wall. The harness have been put on us and now, I am shaking because I have a fear of heights.

"I can't. It's too high. W-What if I fall off?" I said while panicking a little bit.

"Shush. Just calm down, okay? Look, if you fall off, I'll be there to catch you." He said and then he winked at me.

I sighed and turned my attention back to the wall. God, it's so high. I started climbing up the wall.

"Go Hannah!!!" I hear Shona, Matthew, and Julian cheer for me. I just continued to climb up the wall until I reached the top. I found out that the wall was actually attached to another wall so it made a flat top and it's kinda dark up there and I didn't want to look.

I got one of the hanging flags and when I got it, what I accidentally saw would probably haunt me forever.

"Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!" I screamed in fright and the gear that was holding me and my rope loosened up resulting for me to fell off after that. I closed my eyes, thinking that I'm gonna die but then I was surprised when I didn't feel any pain on any part of my body. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in Julian's arms.

He put me down, "What's wrong?" he asked and I started to cry. I have never been so scared before. What I saw up there was just too much!

"Hey... Shh... It's alright... It's alright. I got you." He whispered as he hugged me tight.

"Hannah, are you alright?" Mr. Jenkins asked me.

"Oh my god... Hannah? Hannah? Are you okay?" Shona asked me.

I just kept crying. "Hannah..." Julian said as he cupped my face with his hands. "Hannah, tell me what's wrong."

"I... I saw something back there.... It's... It's a pair of red eyes!" I cried. "And..." And then I looked up and the red eyes appeared again. I screamed in fright as I try to run away in fright but Julian was holding me too tight that I can't free myself from him.

"Hannah!!!" Julian said. "Shh... It's alright! I'm here! I got you!" Then he hugged me.

"It's there Julian! It's up there Julian!!!" I sobbed in fright.

"Hannah, look at me! Hannah!!!" He said, trying to turn my head so that we're face to face. When I finally did, what I saw behind him just made the situation worse.

I saw a teenage girl, and she was wearing another school's uniform and she was stained with her own blood from head to foot.

"Help me..." She said and everything went black in my eyes.


"Hannah!!!" We all said as she fainted into my arms. "Quick! Someone get help!" I said as I undid the harness off her. I undid mine too and then carried her in my arms and a staff of the retreat house guided me to their clinic and I put her onto the bed nearby.

I told the doctor what happened and she quickly got a basket and put it on the foot of her bed and then she put Hannah's feet on top of it.

"That will help the blood rush back up to her." She said as she sat nearby her and fanned her with a newspaper.

A few seconds later, Hannah opened her eyes.

"How do you feel right now?" The doctor asked.

"My head hurts." She said.

"Did your head hit on something causing for it to hurt?" The doctor asked again. Hannah just shook her head.

"Alright. Just drink this tablet and then I'll leave you be so you can rest." She said as she handed the tablet to Hannah and the glass of water also. Hannah drank the medicine and then she gave the empty glass back to the doctor and then she left us.

"There are ghosts here Julian and I'm sure of it." Hannah suddenly said.

"Hannah, ghosts aren't real." I said.

"Julian, they are real!!! I just saw two of them back in that room!" She said hysterically. I got her hands and they were cold. "Hannah, you're just seeing things. There is no such thing as ghosts, okay?" I assured her but tell you what. I also believe them. I just have to act like I don't believe them because I don't want her to believe that this place is haunted.

Like, c'mon! This retreat house is like a five-star hotel!

"Everything's gonna be alright, trust me." I said and then I hugged her.

"Please Julian, don't ever leave me." She muffled through my shirt.

"I won't." I replied.



And then we did the 'pinky-promise'.


Hey guys!

So there you go! The first part of Living With Julian De Vizio's halloween special. I hope you all enjoyed it. But don't you worry guys because more terrifying events are about to unfold in the retreat house so STAY TUNED!


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