Chapter Ten

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I stood there, frozen. Not knowing what to do. What... Why...

Did he just do that?

He didn't just kiss me... Right?

"Uh... W-What was that for?" I managed to ask which doesn't make any sense for me. If you got kissed by a boy, you wouldn't be able to ask sensible questions.

"It's my other way of saying thank you to you." Julian said.

"Julian, like I said thank me once we got through the auditions." I said.

"No... What I wanna thank you for is... Well, you encouraged me to do this." He said.

I laughed, "Me? Encouraged you? More like I nagged you." I said.

"But you believed in me. You believed in my ability." He said with such sincerity and happiness in his eyes. "Thank you." Then we smiled at each other.

"You might wanna go in now because it's freezing cold right here." I said.

"Well, I can hug you to keep you warm." He said then he opened his arms wide and took a step forward as if he was going to hug me.

"No. No hugs. No. Just no." I said.

He put his arms down and smiled sheepishly as he put his hands in his pockets. We both went in and we saw my parents and his parents laughing at some photos. Even Adrian was laughing too.

"Hannah, you look so cute in this one!" Mrs. De Vizio said as she showed me my picture when I was seven years old, wearing a white gown and a crown and my mouth was wide open for I was singing my heart out.

Julian peered over her shoulder and a wide smile grew over his face. Then he looked at me with that kind if smile...

"Julian, shut up." I said.

"You look so cute here!" He said while laughing his head off. "Mrs. Garcia, can I have a copy of this one?"

"Oh sure Julian! Bert has still the negatives, I think. Don't you Bert?" Mum said to dad.

"Yes. The negatives are still with me." Dad replied. "Don't worry Julian, on my next pay off, I'll have them develop."

"Awesome! Thanks Mr. Garcia!" Julian said then he looked at me again with that goofy smile on his lips. I looked at mum and dad who were also laughing with Adrian, Mr. and Mrs. De Vizio because of my pictures. "Mum! I thought you already threw them?!" I said.

"Aw honey... But you look so cute on these photos, that's why I never threw them!" Mum said.

"Argh! Mum!!! Dad! Won't you do something about it?!" I said.

"Hannah, your mum's right. You look so cute on these photos! And besides, we want a remembrance of your childhood." Dad responded.

I heard Julian laughed again because he was looking at a photo of me wearing a headdress, coconut bra and grass skirt. Yep, I was dancing in that photo while wearing that kind of clothing.

I gave Julian a death glare and slapped his arm playfully and then I walked off. "Hannah!!!" I heard him call me back but I didn't turn around and went straight upstairs to my bedroom. I shut my door and collapsed on my bed.

God, I looked so horrible on those photos and Julian saw them!

Wait... Why is it a big deal to me anyway?

Oh yeah because he was laughing at my photos to the point that he almost peed on his shorts.

"You look cute on those photos." Julian said.

I sat up on my bed, "You really don't like knocking, do you?" I said. He smiled sheepishly then sat beside me on my bed.

"I don't see anything wrong with those photos of yours when you were young. I mean, you look cute there." He said.

"But you were laughing at them!" I huffed.

"Yeah because I find it adorable." He replied. "I find you adorable."

I stopped and looked at him and he was looking at me intently with those bright blue eyes of his. Then he held my hand. Oh my goodness! What the hell is he doing?! I tried to pull my hand away from him but he held onto it tight.

"Hannah, for me, you will always be that beautiful girl that I've met at the airport... Even though you're that bitch at first..." He said.

"Excuse me?! I was trying to be nice to you and you were acting like a jerk to me at the airport!" I responded.

Then we both laughed. "But seriously Hannah, I meant what I said. You will always be that beautiful girl that I met at the airport. And no matter how you look ages ago, it would never change a thing on how I see you as you." He said firmly. Wow. Is this for real? Julian is talking with a serious tone in his voice!

I laughed, "Julian, you're too serious. Doesn't suit you." I said then he let my hand go.

"Whatever Hannah!" He said then he stood up. "Well, I'm off to bed now. I'll see you tomorrow in the morning. Goodnight! Sleep tight."

"Same for you Julian." I said. He nodded and then he went out of my room, closing the door gently behind him.

Sigh... That guy just drives me crazy!!!

** SCHOOL (Music Room) **

"Okay, let me get one thing straight with you." I said in a bossy tone. "I'm doing this talent show just for once, okay?"

"Okay. Shall we get started?" He asked and I nodded. I sat down in front of the piano and then started playing the intro of 'Breaking Free'. He started it off and god! Travis really did the right thing!

We ended up singing the whole song together but in the audition, we agreed that we'll do what Troy and Gabriella did with the song.

"You know the world can see us... In a way that's different than who we are..." Julian and I both sang together then I played the last few notes.

"That was great!" I said.

"Yeah! I'm pretty sure we're gonna nail it at the auditions!" He said.

Then I suddenly remembered that he was supposed to talk about something with me.

"By the way, what is it that you wanna talk about?" I asked and I can see from his face that he was surprised with my question.

"Well... I really like this girl." He started off. "I really like her and I wanna make her officially mine." Wait. What? He likes someone?

Why does my heart feel like this? Why do I feel... Pain?

I laughed, "And you're asking me this when you can ask Travis because he's a guy and knows all of these 'ninja moves'?" I said.

"Travis believed our lie, remember? He believes that we are dating when in reality, we're not." He said.

Oh yeah. That's right. Travis doesn't know that all of these were just a show. A show. But why do I feel like this? Why does a part of me want the thing between Julian and I to be real?

"I really don't know that much about these things but if you really wanna make her yours, then just show her who you really are. Show her that you care for her. Make her believe that every word that comes out of your mouth is true like when you say that you love her, say it like you mean it." I said.

"And you said you don't know that much?" He said then he laughed. "Well, thanks Hannah. Thank you for the wonderful advice." Then he leaned over and hugged me tight like he never wanted to let me go. I hugged him back.

And somehow, I don't want to let go too.

Living With Julian De VizioOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz