Chapter Seven

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"Gah! Julian! I need air!!! AIR!" I gasped as I slapped his arm around my neck which is basically strangling me. He quickly let go of me and then he laughed.

"So... Are we okay now?" he asked me.

"Yes. Now, let's go in before I change my mind." I replied and we went into the classroom and it's already filled with students and their chattering filled the air. The teacher is not yet in the classroom for the teacher's desk is still empty.

"Julian! Quick! Sit over here!" A guy with black spiky hair and green eyes said to Julian. "Hurry up before Mr. Jones comes in!"

"You know that I was gonna sit over there, right?" Julian said. "Jeez, Travis..." Then he held my hand and we went over to the guy named 'Travis'.

"Is she the girl?" Travis asked Julian as soon as his eyes landed on me.

"The girl?" Julian asked in return.

"Dude, it's all over Rostrevor that you already have a girlfriend."

Julian and I looked at each other because we remembered what he did a while ago while defending me from that Maddison bitch.

Wow... These people are morons and idiots. How can they believe such a lie?! I gave Julian an uneasy look and like me, he also have that uncertain expression on his face. He gave my hand a light squeeze then turned to Travis and in an instant, confidence filled his face.

"Yes. She's the girl. She's my girlfriend." Julian said confidently to Travis.

Wait... What?!

Me?! His what?! Girlfriend?!

"So the rumours are true." Travis said then he turned to me and smiled. "Hi, I'm Travis, Julian's bestfriend. What's your name?"

"I'm Hannah. Hannah Garcia." I replied then I held out my hand to him but instead of shaking hands with me, he hugged me.

"We rarely do shake hands here." Travis said when he let me go. Julian sat beside him and then I sat beside Julian.

"So when did you and Julian start going out?" A girl with blond hair tied back in a ponytail and was wearing black eyeglasses with thick rims asked me.

"Just yesterday." Julian lied confidently as he put his arms around me. Seriously, this guy is making me go upset on him again! I gave him a death glare but he just ignored me. How can he enjoy lying to people?

Our Math class went pretty well. And I have to admit that Julian was right, Mr. Jones is a cool Math teacher. He sometimes gives off jokes (and believe me, they are hilarious) halfway through the lecture. Next, we had Art class. Yep. Julian is still there. The teacher even scolded us because Julian kept on making silly faces in front of me resulting for me to laugh.

When recess time came, we noticed a few people gathering around a clipboard by the door of the school's cafeteria. Just then, Julian and I saw Travis with a goofy smile on his face.

"What is happening over there?" Julian asked him.

"Oh. Just some people signing up for the audition for the school's talent show next week." Travis said, not wiping off that cheeky smile on his face.

"Okay. Something is up, I can tell. Travis, what did you do?" Julian said as he crossed his arms.

"I... Uh... I signed you up for the audition?" Travis replied unsurely, in case Julian decides to go off at him.

"WHAT THE FUCK TRAVIS?!" He said. "Why did you do that?!".

"Julian, it's time for you to let out that golden voice of yours. And the school's talent show is the only way!"

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