Chapter 18

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Chelsea's P.O.V

I sat in the backyard on the little swing Sam built for me like 7 years ago. I couldn't stop thinking about everything that was going on. Gabe wanted me to give him a chance, but i can't just leave Seth. I love him to much to ever do that to him.

I sighed and closed my eyes, I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. There stood Seth. I jumped a little and relaxed. "Seth you scared me". He didn't look happy.

"What's going on Chelsea?" He asked angrily. I felt a little startled "What do you mean?" I asked. He narrowed his eyes. I did not like to see Seth like this, I've never seen him like this.

"What's going on between you and Gabe" He hissed. I felt panic go through me. "No-Nothing" I replied. He started shaking. "Your lieng there's something going on between you two, now tell me" He started getting closer. "Seth nothings going on" I mumbled. I stood up and started backing away. He got closer.

"Your lieng what about that carving in the tree Chelsea plus Gabe equals forever and you were in the tree together. HE TOLD YOU TO GIVE HIM A CHANCE" I started getting scared. I could feel tears form in my eyes. "Seth calm down" I pleaded. He grabbed my shoulders. 

"TELL ME THE TRUTH ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?" He yelled. I turned away and a tear escaped. "Seth please stop your hurting me" I pleaded. "TELL ME THE TRUTH".

I took all my strength and pulled away. "NOTHING IS GOING ON!! I'M NOT GONNA LIE TO YOU SOMETHING DID HAPPEN  BUT THAT WAS TWO YEARS AGO AND YOU ALREADY KNOW THAT" I yelled. His shaking stopped.

"Chelsea please don't lie to me" he whispered. I glared at him. "You don't believe me do you? I would never lie to you. NEVER And if you don't believe me and if you can't trust me then...then... Were through Seth Clearwater!!" 

Did that just slip out of my mouth? Tears were streaming down my face now. No no no NO I can't believe I said that. He stood in shock, tears were escaping his eyes. I turned around. I couldn't face him. I let out a sob and ran into the woods. I ran as fast as my legs could go.

I stopped and fell to my knees. No no no no no...

I felt and intense heat go through me and my body started changing. The heat hurt. I was in pain. My shrieks became howls as my body changed. My body becoming bigger.

After minutes of agonizing pain I opened my eyes. I was on four legs.


I'm a a a Wolf I heard someone say in my head What I though back, Hey Sam looks like our little Chelsea is one of us now! Wait Jared? Sam? I thought. Hey kiddo welcome to the pack!

"No no no no NO!!! I-I NO! I can't be a wolf NO! I don't wanna be a wolf or a protector"

"Sorry Chels looks like your one of us now" Someone else thought. "Quil?" 

"Hey Chels" He said Happily. "Sam?" I thought. "Listen Chels I know it's hard to believe especially since it's you and your so girly. But your a protector now..I'm sorry" He said thoughtfully.

"Wait why is Chelsea a wolf? She never had the symptoms and if she did we would have noticed" A girls voice thought. Leah. "Ya what happened Chels?" Asked Quil. I remembered what just happened with Seth. "It's because of her emotions, they were strong and she couldn't take it so she changed" Thought Sam. 

"Okay let's not talk about that" I thought. "Okay Stay were you are" Sam thought. One minute later they were all by my side. "Woah Chels nice fur" Exclaimed Jared. "How does it look?" I asked. "Your all white but with black streaks" He thought. I gave him a wolfy grin. "Yay" I exclaimed, they all laughed. 

The whole Seth thing slipped my mind. I was a wolf now.

"So how do I get to be a human again?" I thought. "Well first Leah why don't you get some clothes for Chelsea" Sam thought. Leah left and came back 2 minutes later in her human form with some clothes. "OK now were gonna leave and you just close your eyes and imagine yourself human" Sam thought. I nodded in response.

I closed my eyes and imagined myself human. 

I opened my eyes again and I was laying on the floor naked. Weird.

I put on the pair of shorts and tank top that Leah gave me. I slipped on the sandals. I rubbed my fingers through my hair. It was down and straight not curly and half up like I had it.

Leah came out "Hey" She said. I smiled "Hey" I responded. "So I guess I'm not the only girl anymore" She giggled, I giggled along with her. 

Maybe being a shape-shifter won't be that bad besides one thing...


NO their relationship ended :'(
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