preference #1 somthing he does that drives you crazy

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He gets so excited about everything. He will talk to you non-stop about something which could be months away. Its not always a bad thing but it doesn’t leave much to the imagination when he talks about it for months.


With the amount of time Zayn spends in the bathroom you’d think he would know what to do. But he NEVER puts the seat down. Every time you walk into the bathroom you sigh at how he never remembers to put the seat down.


Everyone knows that Niall loves to eat and he has recently started learning to cook. Which is great because its always nice to come home to dinner on the table or maybe some biscuits. But what’s not so great about it is how he completely destroys the kitchen and leaves a stack of dishes for you to do.


Whenever you go into the lounge to relax and watch tv or cuddle Harry always dominates the remote. Then even once he’s got it he doesn’t even pick a show he just flips through the channels. You can’t remember the last time you watched a full episode of something.


 He leaves his clothes everywhere. The bathroom floor, the lounge and even the kitchen. You’re constantly picking up after him and even once you buy a bigger washing basket he still manages to just fall short of it.

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