Liam OneShot for Sarah!

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You pulled up your stool to the front desk of the boring corner street bookstore. You grabbed your book from you bag. You opened it to last page you had read that morning on the train. When you read, you were gone. All the worldly problems you would go through day after day left your mind and you quickly would become a character of the book. Reading was always a getaway for you ever since you were little. You had left the states when you were only 15 to Europe to have a bit of a vacation, except you never went back. When you explored the streets of England and Paris, you were in love. Of course, your parents didn’t exactly approve of you leaving at such a young age, and let alone having no work or place to stay. But you thought you could handle it. You were a very mature and responsible girl for your age, your parents trusted you very well. They thought; why not let her be on her own for a while, a great learning experience. They were right; you’ve learned a lot these past 3 years. Your parents had a few friends who had some relatives that lived in Wolverhampton, England. They were generous enough to let you stay there and apply you to a new school. Having them as guardians was great, but you didn’t stay there for very long. Quickly after you moved into their home, you got a job at a place you would go everyday after school. The bookstore that was a few blocks away quickly became your second home. You started working and managed to raise some money. Once you were 16, you saved up enough and got yourself a small one bedroom apartment that was only a block and a half away from the bookstore. You were still close to your guardians, work, and school. Everything was perfect.

Now, 3 years later, you were a part- time student at a nearby college and continued to work at bookstore. You flipped the page to your book when the jingle of the bell over top of the door chimed throughout the store. You looked up from your book putting on a smile.

“Hello!” You said cheerily. The boy removed the hood from his rain drenched sweater and looked at you. His brown sparkling eyes had the same sweetness from his smile.

“Hey, do you happen to have a phone in here? It’s pouring out there and I need to get over to my parents house before I’m late for dinner.”

“Of course! Here you go.” You lifted the small and old telephone from underneath the front desk and placed it beside the cash register. As the boy made his call, you went back to your book.

A few minutes later, he returned the phone and smiled. “Thanks.”

“No problem, anything else you need?”

“Your name would be nice.”

“Sarah, yours?”

“Liam, your name seems to suit you very well.” He said as he placed his hand onto the counter, “A beautiful name for a beautiful girl.”

You smiled down at your book. You folded the corner of the page and closed it. “Cheeky one, are you?”

“I actually would have never said that to a girl that I had just met, but I had to make an exception for you.”  He turned around and headed towards the bookshelves. You let your smile grow a bit more. You had never had someone said that to you, it made you feel special. 

A few other people came into the store so you were forced to put the book back into your bag. You went over to the few costumers and helped them find the books they were looking for. Out of the corner of your eyes you would casually look around to see if Liam was still there, and each time you looked, he was there looking through books here and there.

You walked back to the cash register handing a lady the receipt to her newly purchased book. With a smile on her face, she left leaving only you and Liam in the store alone.

“I thought you would be gone by now.” You said breaking the silence that filled the room. 

“I’m just waiting for my sister to come get me. I don’t exactly feel like walking in the rain today.”

1D imagines and preferences *Editing*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon