Bridezilla *Prefrence*

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Harry: "No, no no no! This is all wrong!" You threw your hands up in frustration. The wedding was just a few days away, and the bridesmaids dresses are all in the wrong color. "No it's not a big deal, we'll just take them back and-" "No! It is a big deal! These dresses are coral and I ordered them in peach! The wedding is ruined!" He grabbed your hands and sat you down in his lap. You layed your head on his shoulder as he played with a few strands of your hair. "The wedding is not ruined. The colors mean nothing. Hell, if the girls walk down the aisle in street clothes that's fine with me. As long as my beautiful bride is following." You smiled and leaned in to kiss his lips.

Niall: "What do you mean there's a rip?!" You did not take that well. You were yelling and crying, smudging your makeup and nearly ruining your hair. The bridesmaids had left the room to let you cool down. "Babe?" You jumped up from the bed, turning to face your soon to be husband. "Ni you can't see me!" He came over to you, taking your hands in his. "I heard about the hole," You looked down, not wanting him to see you at such a wrecked state. "A little rip in the dress isn't going to stop me from marrying you you know." You smiled up at him, and he leaned down to kiss your cheek. "I better get going. I'll see you at the altar. No tears, smile baby girl. I love you so much."

Zayn: "Ugh!" You stormed out of your bedroom. The wedding was just a few weeks away, and you and Zayn still hadn't come to a decision on the cake. Whenever you had asked to go to one of the tastings, he'd ask to postpone. He followed you out into the living room, where you were starting to tear up. "Babe," "No! Zayn, when do you think we're going to decide on a cake? The wedding is less than three weeks away. Every time I ask you it's the same answer. 'I don't feel like it.' Is that how the rest of our life is going to be? Filled with a bunch of 'I don't feel like it's'?" He looked down at the floor for a moment before walking over to you and pulling you in for a hug. "I'm sorry, I've just been really tired okay? We'll go tomorrow. No more 'I don't feel like it's' alright?" You smiled and extended your pinky. "Promise?" "Promise."

Louis: "This isn't funny Lou!" He held his hand up to his mouth to keep from laughing out loud. Although that hadn't helped at all. It was the night of the wedding rehearsal and the entire wedding party was taking the whole thing as a joke. They were laughing and joking around as if this meant nothing, and Louis was sitting there laughing! You sat down in one of the pews, almost in tears. "Aw come on babe. We're all having a good time!" You shook your head. "But this is a time we should be serious. We're getting married tomorrow, and everyone's treating it as some big joke." He laughed. "But look who you're marrying. Every situation is treated like a joke. And you usually love it. Come on, where's that smile?" You couldn't help it, and you really didn't want to, but your face broke into a smile as if on cue.

Liam: "Chicken or fish?" You and Liam had been discussing everything wedding lately. "Whatever is fine." I guess you could say Liam got a little bored with just talking wedding. "Okay...square plates or circle plates." He shrugged. "Whichever." You sighed, tossing your checklist aside. "Liam why can't you just give me answers!" He set aside his laptop. "I am giving you answers. "Not very helpful ones. Li, this is your wedding too. That means your decision also counts. I can't pick and choose every little detail!" He laughed and shook his head. "I know you don't. But things like cloth or silk napkins, or even square or circular plates isn't exactly exciting to choose from. I like the bigger and better things. This stuff is all you." He kissed your cheek and you layed back on his chest. "Okay...candles or vases for centerpieces?" He laughed and rolled his eyes. This was never going to end...

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