Louis Imagine for Lauren

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It is eight at night and you are sitting at the dinner table at your house with Louis, Liam, Niall, Harry, Zayn and his girlfriend Perrie. You are all eating Chinese that you had ordered. You have been good friends with the boys for a while now, and you were quite close with Perrie too.
Niall grabs a fortune cookie. He cracks it open and reads the fortune. “A pleasant surprise is waiting for you.”

You look at everyone else at the table, who are all smiling. “Wow, that’s scary.” You say as you walk up the hallway. When you return you give Niall a present. “Happy Birthday for a few days ago. Sorry I couldn’t be there.”

"Lauren you didn’t have to…." He begins, then looks up playfully. "Okay, maybe you did."
He kisses your cheek and thanks you.
"What does yours say Louis?" Harry asks him. You lean forward, quite interested in the conversation.

"Could I get some directions to your heart?" He reads, then gives a puzzled look. His eyes meet yours, and you hastily look down at your fortune cookie. You crack it open, then read it silently to yourself.

'Don't just think, act!'
"What’d it say?" Louis mouths, perhaps not wanting anyone else to hear him. He is sitting opposite of you, so you are facing each other. You just shrug, but you know what your fortune means.
You have been crushing on Louis for a while now. There have been times when you thought he felt the same way, but for some reason he has never acted. This fortune was telling you to take a chance, to stop thinking, and just act.
Perhaps tonight could be the night? After all, Niall’s fortune was pretty accurate.

"Guys I have an idea!" Harry exclaims after a few minutes. "Let’s play hide and seek."
The others nod in agreement.
"Hide and seek?" Perrie questions, probably second-guessing the maturity of the people sitting with her.
"Don’t worry, you’ll get used to them." You joke. She laughs along then shrugs.
"Why not? Let’s play. It could be fun."

"I have some spare flash lights in the cupboard. The person who is it can use them." You explain as you find the lights and place them on the table.
"So who is it first?" Zayn asks. Liam volunteers, so the rest of you find a place to hide as he counts to 20.
You can hear Perrie giggling and Zayn shushing her whilst trying to contain his own laughter. You think Niall decided to hide in the living room, and you can hear Harry down the hallway trying to find a door, but instead he just smashes into the walls.
Someone grabs your arm which causes you to jump. They place their hand on your mouth.
"Don’t scream."

You roll your eyes. “I’m not going to scream Louis.” You mumble.

"I’m going to take my hand off your mouth, and you have to remain silent, otherwise we’ll be the first to be caught. Deal?" He teases, and you nod- playing along to his little game.
He lets go of you and you smack his arm. “Ouch.” He protests. You cover his mouth.
"Great, now Liam will find us for sure!" You smirk. Louis licks your hand randomly and you quickly wipe the saliva all over his shirt. "Yuck, LOUIS!"

He is grinning. Suddenly he grabs your arm and drags you down the hallway. “We need a new hiding spot.”
"17, 18, 19…." Liam is calling aloud.
Louis drags you to the guest bedroom. He tries to see in the dark for a hiding place. An idea comes to you, so you pull him into the cupboard of the room, then close the door.
"Nice choice. Bit cramped though." He laughs. Your face is just inches away from his, but the darkness means that you can’t see it.
"I like cramped." You whisper softly, biting on your lip waiting for his response.
"Me too." He says after a moment. 

You can hear footsteps making their way up the hallway. Perrie shrieks, then begins to laugh. Liam must have found her.
"I don’t think he’ll find us." Louis tries to whisper, but fails. Footsteps get louder.
"You’re going to get us caught, again." You say.
"Sorry. I can’t keep my mouth from shutting up. Always happens during these sort of things."
It is silent. You are unsure of what to say to that. For a brief moment an idea comes to mind, but you dismiss it automatically.
'Don't just think, act!' You think back to your fortune. It's now or never.
"I know a way to keep you occupied, so you won’t have to talk." You begin, leaning closer. You can feel his body warmth.

"Oh yeah?" His voice lowers. "How?"
He leans closer too, and all you have to do is move forward a centimetre so that your lips touch. The kiss becomes more passionate, and Louis pushes your body up against the wall of the cupboard. It causes a loud ‘thud’ noise, but you have completely forgotten about the game of hide and seek.

You hear another loud noise, but your eyes are closed so you don’t know what it is.
"Lauren." He whispers against your lips.
"Mmm?" You reply back.
"I love saying your name."
You smile. “I love saying yours too. Louis. And, I love you.”
"I love you too. Sorry I haven’t told you this earlier."
You push your body closer to Louis’.

There is a cough, and a loud laugh. You open your eyes to see the flash light aimed directly at you and Louis. Liam and Niall are looking away politely, Perrie is smiling at you while holding Zayn’s hand, and Harry was the one laughing.
"Sorry to interrupt." Harry taunts you both with a wide grin.
"Shut up Harold." You stick your tongue out at him, but you know you’re blushing like crazy.
Louis says nothing. Instead he closes the cupboard door once again and presses his lips to yours.

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