Niall imagine for Laura

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BANG, BANG, BANG, CRASH!You quickly sat up in bed. “Niall, NIALL!!” You whisper-shouted. “Hmm?” He asked “I-I think somebody broke into our house.” “Babe, you were just dreaming. Go back to sleep.” He said, closing his eyes. “Niall, please!!” You pleaded, shaking him. “Im scared!!” You felt tears swell up in your eyes. Niall turned on the bedside light and saw your tears about to spill over your bottom lid. He sighed and quickly stood up, pulling you up in the process. After rummaging through the closet quickly, he pulled out two object, a baseball bat and a old lamp. “Why do we still have this lamp?” He asked, showing it to you. “NIALL! You really think its time to do this!!”You whispered in rage. He chuckled and handed the lamp to you. “Follow me, if it is someone, I’ll hit then across the head and you continue to his him with the lamp, until the lamp is broken, this way we can throw it out, while I call the police, ok?” Ok” You said, taking the lamp, fear turning up inside of you. You guys tip-toed quietly down the steps, Niall first, and you behind him. CRASH! You gripped Niall shirt as he held the bat higher. He walked into the living room, using his phone as a guide light. “OH MY GOD!!NIALL!!” You heard a girl shriek and you flipped on the living room light. “NIALL!! I LOVE YOU!!” She screamed, jumping on Niall. He chuckled and gave her a hug as you tried to even your breath out. “If you dont mind me asking, why are you in my house at three in the morning?” “I-I broke in. Im so sorry!! I just love you!! And the rest of the guys to!!” She said, completely oblivious of you being in the room. Niall sat down next to her, trying to calm her sown. He looked at you, and called you over. You sat next to him and gave a faint smile to the fan sitting only one person away. “Can I get an autograph!?” The fan excitedly said. “Of course, babe, pass me a pen and paper.” You nodded and the pen and paper to Niall. After an hour or so of chatting  in which you said nothing, the fan finally left and you and Niall went upstairs, but not before you triple checked every door and window to make sure they were locked. You followed Niall upstairs, and as soon as you got to your room, you broke down. “What didnt you call the police!?” You shouted, breathing becoming heavier. “Its not like she tried to harm anyone Laura. She only wanted to meet us.” Niall said, sitting on the edge of the bed and you stood by your bedroom door. “You dont know that!! What if she was some kind of killer, acting as a fan not to scare you away!! What is she had a gun, or-or she stole something or she-” “Laura!! Chill!! We’re fine now, alright.” Niall said, getting up and walking over to you. You slid to the floor and started crying. Niall sat next to you and pulled you into his lap as you cried into his chest. He caressed your hair. “Its ok, I’m here babe. Nothing’ll hurt you.” He whispered, calming you down a bit. “Niall.” “Hmm?” He asked, starting to rock you back and fourth. “I’m looking for new houses tomorrow and we’re moving as soon as possible.” He chuckled. “Agreed.”

1D imagines and preferences *Editing*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora