How he proposes #12

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Zayn takes you out to your favorite Chinese restaurant on your 5 year anniversary as a couple. When you cookies came, you opened up yours and a ring fell out. You were in complete shock and looked across the table at Zayn to find that he wasn’t there. He was next to you, down on one knee with many people flashing cameras around you as you nodded you head. “Yes!”


Right before  you and Harry’s favorite holiday, you and he went pumpkin picking. the night before Halloween  you and Harry would carve pumpkins, but this year Harry challenged you to a pumpkin carving contest. You gladly accepted, and got ready to whip his ass! After an hour or so, you were both done, and ready to flaunt your creations. Harry checked your out, then led you to his station. You took one look at it and tears started sparking in your eyes. “ I win?” Harry asked, holding out a diamond ring. “Yes.” You whispered. “Yes yes yes yes YES!” You said and ran hugged him. Best Halloween ever!


Niall took you, along with his family, on a camping trip for a week. You loved the outdoors and couldn’t wait for the trip. The first night you guys got there, you ate dinner and for dessert, Niall decided to make the s’mores, with the help of Greg. He gave everyone 3 s’mores. You picked up your first one and your eyes went big, noticing the glimmering rock in your treat. You looked at Niall, just as he was getting down on one knee. “So how’s about it?” He asked with a smirk. You couldn’t even speak, you  just nodded your head vigorously and cried tears of joy. 


Louis brought home a big box of cupcakes one night. He asked you to make tea while he got the cupcakes set up. You made the cups of tea and walked back into the living room. “Ready?” “YUP!” You said, hopping over to him. “OK, open the box.” You gave him a weird look and stepped in front of him to open the box. Your eyes widened. “Will you marry me.” You whispered. “Yes!” Louis said, laughing. “Yes.” “That’s what i said.” Louis said, matter-of-factually. “Yes! LOUIS YES!” You screamed running into his arms, crying and giggling like an idiot. “Um..I think i already said yes..” Louis said, chuckling at your cute actions.

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