Zayn imagine

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"I can’t believe you made me come biking with you! You know how much I hate it.” You said to your friend (Y/F/N) as you both biked up the steep hill.

”It’s good for you! It’s better than sitting around watching TV all day.”

    After a tragically long time going up the steep hill, you made it to the top. But you noticed there weren’t any man-made trails. Great, You thought to yourself, Just what I needed. Your friend noticed that you were getting slower as you went along.

”Come on (Y/N)! It isn’t that hard, don’t worry you won’t fall!”

”I hate riding bikes on a NORMAL street and you expect me to go across this trail without any problems?!” You yelled back.

”No need to get angry, just hurry along!” (Y/F/N) said as she sped off.

I hate this. Never again am I going on a bike ride

            You slowly went along the path but getting distracted with the view. As you were looking away, you didn’t notice the tree root that stretched across the trail. You started to pedal faster thinking the trail was safe. In less than 5 seconds you went over the tree root and fell straight off your bike, tumbling over the handle bars.

”What the- OW!!” You screamed as you tried to stand up. Your wrist was in scorching pain and your leg was badly cut. “(Y/F/N)!! Help!”

You sat there for 5 minutes, no one came in sight. You began to get worried since it was 8 and the sun would be going down soon. The bleeding in your leg kept worsening. Anyone.. please, Come by! Just when you thought no one would come by, you see a quite attractive young man come running by. He wouldn’t have noticed you if it weren’t for your bike being in the middle of the path.

”What the- Oh my gosh! Are you okay!? What happened! We need to call for help!”

”I was riding my bike and I fell I guess.” You replied back to the boy.

“What’s you name, love?” “My name’s (Y/N)”

”My name’s Zayn. We are going to get you outta here.” He pulled out his phone dialing a number. You weren’t in enough pain to have to call 9-1-1 so you wondered who he called. “Hello, Liam? Yeah, it’s Zayn. I need you to come get me, I have this girl here who fell of her bike, and she can’t stand. Thanks lad” He hung and bent down near you. “My friend Liam is going to come get us. We can take you to your flat when he’s here”

”Thank you so much! It’s so kind of you to help a stranger” You replied full of gratitude.

”Well I can’t leave a beautiful girl just sitting here in pain, can I?” When he said this, you couldn’t help but blush.

            His Friend Liam finally arrived and they both helped you into the car. It was a silent ride to your flat except for Zayn and Liam chatting. Once you arrived to your flat, Zayn helped you out of the car and into your flat.

”(Y/N), I would love if you could give me your number so I could call you and get to know you properly” Zayn said shyly but you thought it was adorable. “Maybe for dinner this Saturday?”

”I would love that Zayn!” You put your number into his phone, he smiled. ”I’ll call you later with details. See you soon (Y/N)”

He fulfilled his promise, calling you later in the evening to talk about your first date together.

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