Niall imagine for loryn

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"Hey sweetie!" You chirped happily, walking into Nialls flat. "Ugh." Niall moaned. He had been sick with the stomach flu for the past two days. His stomach hurts like hell, he’s vomiting all the time and he has a bad case of diarrhea . He cant eat, or drink anything except a few sips of ginger ale and water here and there. "You feeling any better?" You asked, sitting next to him on his couch. "My stomach feels like a tsunami of acid is going on, my throat burns, stuff cant stop falling out of my ass, what do you think?" He asked sarcastically. You chuckled at your boyfriends antics. He was always mean when he was sick. "Do you want anything?" "Medicine, a new garbage bag in my bucket, TV  darkness and more ginger ale please." He said, turning to lay on his stomach  You rolled your eyes. "I so feel like your mom." You said, still sitting in your place. "Please?" He asked, looking adorable. You kissed his forehead and proceeded to do what he asked. You grabbed the garbage bucket from next to the couch and tied the bag, throwing it into the garbage. You replaced it with a fresh bag for Niall to vomit in. You picked up the several empty soda cans and water bottles from around the couch and threw them in the recycle. You walked to the fridge, taking out a soda and a water  with two straws and put them on the table for easy access for Niall. You turned the TV on to cartoons and left Niall to watch it in peace. You aimlessly wondered around the house, until you found yourself in the kitchen. You tidied up a bit, and realized that there was no more soda, or water in the fridge. You checked the pantry, but there was nothing. You remembered Niall had asked for some medicine, so you walked to the upstairs bathroom, and looked around in the medicine cabinet. You found  absolutely nothing. You walked back downstairs and picked up your things. You turned off the lights and walked to the door. "Where are you going?" Niall weakly asked. "To the store to pick up a few things. I’ll be back soon babe." You called and walked out the door.


You looked at your shopping cart. Two cases of ginger ale, two cases of water, about seven different types of medication and some groceries. You walked to the checkout counter and stood in line when your eye caught something. A magazine, with Niall on the front cover. You rolled your cart over to the stand and picked it up. Niall Horan, Cheating On Loryn?was the headline and there was a picture of Niall and a blonde bimbo on the cover. You flipped to the page it said you could find more information on and there were numerous pictures with a one page long article. You skimmed the words as you felt tears brim your eyes. You checked out your items, along with the magazine, quickly. You wanted to get out of that store as quickly as possible and give Niall a peace of your mind.


"WHAT THE FUCK!" You screamed as you walked into Nialls flat. He looked at you,  confused. "What..the fuck..?" He asked. "WHO DO YOU FUCKING THINK YOU ARE!" You said, pulling the pillow from his head and throwing it on the floor, causing him to hit his head on the chair hand. He rubbed the back of his head and sat up. "What is wrong with you?" "This is whats wrong!!" You said, shoving the magazine in his face. He read the cover and his eyes got big. "This isn’t " "What it looks like? Yeah fucking right. Like I haven’t heard that excuse a million times before." "No, just-" "NO!" You screamed, cutting Niall of. He stood up, but you only pushed him down, not caring if hes sick or not. "You fucking MAN WHORE!! How can you cheat on me! If you didn’t want to be with me, all you had to do was say so!" You screamed in his face. "Lo, If you would just let me explain-" "So you can give me a bullshit explanation? Hell no! I fucking hate you!! We’re over!" You said, hot tears running down your face. Nialls eyes grew big. "Loryn.." "Save it for the blonde bimbo." You said quietly and ran out of the flat.


You closed the door to your flat and slid down, trying to catch your breath. You blinked a couple times, but your tears wouldn’t stop falling. “WHY!!!!!!!!!!!” You screamed, covering your face with your hands. You took a deep breath, but it came out shaky. You stood up and walked to your couch, only to fall onto it and cry. Your door opened and you looked up. Niall. His eyes were red and cheeks, tear stained. “What do you w-want?” You asked, mentally cursing yourself for stuttering. “Please, just listen.” He whispered, sitting next to you. You folded your arms and turned your face away from him. “One minute. Thats it.” You said, and he began his story. “M-management. They made me go on a date with her. One date!! Thats it!! I took her to Nandos, we talked about how stupid that was, since we both were in a relationship, and it was only a publicity stunt. We agreed not to talk about it ever again, and when we left, paparazzi swarmed up. Thats why we have so many pictures taken, we got chased by them. We go chased to the park, to some weird street, and finally Paul picked us up, and dropped her home and I at our own flats. Thats it.” He said, his voice on edge. “Why didnt you freaking tell me!” You snapped. “Because it meant nothing. And I knew you would get mad.” Niall said, looking at his shoes. “Wait, how did you get here? I live ten blocks away, I ran here and you would have got here a lot quicker if you drove.” You said, coming into realization that Niall was in your house. “I ran here too.” He said, looking up. “You ran. A-after me?” You asked, your voice softening. “I wasn’t going to let the best thing that ever happened to me get away.”  He replied, standing in front of you. He was a head taller than you, so your were staring at his chest. You looked up into his eyes and saw the sincerity. “… I’m sorry.” You choked out, letting silent tears fall. Niall wrapped his arms around your shoulders and you wrapped yours around his waist  “I’m the one who should be sorry. I should have told you.” He whispered back, kissing your forehead. “I love you Lo.” He said, and you pulled away. “I love you too.” You said, looking around. “Are you okay?” Niall asked, scared that he rushed things right after a fight. “No, my stomach-” You started to say but made a beeline for the bathroom. Niall laughed following you. “Looks like your going to be my patient, yeah?” He said, still laughing and rubbing your back as you threw up into your toilet.

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