Harry imagine <3

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It was early in the morning and you could feel what felt like someone planting kisses all over your face. You slowly opened your eyes to see your boyfriend Harry was indeed placing soft kisses all over your face.

"Good morning beautiful!" he said with a sexy smile.

"Good morning." you replied while stretching. Harry wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him.

"Happy 19th birthday babe." he said placing one last sweet kiss on your nose.

"Thank you."

"Of course, love."

You and him cuddled for another hour. Just talking about everything and anything.

"Be right back. I have to use the restroom." you said skipping to the bathroom. You were washing your hands after and out of the corner of your eye you saw something. You looked over to see Harry leaning against the door frame looking gorgeous as ever. Wearing nothing but flannel pj pants and his curls were tousled like he had still just woken up. He gave you a sexy half smile.

"What are you looking at, Styles?"

"Oh nothing, just the most beautiful birthday girl in the world. Speaking of birthdays, I have a surprise for you."

"No, Harry you really didn’t have to get me anything. Harry gave you a funny look.

"Are you kidding me? Of course I have had to get my gorgeous and amazing girlfriend something for her 19th birthday."

You didn’t want to argue about it so you just nodded your head and smiled.

"So, I know how much you love Ed Sheeran and I may have pulled some strings and got tickets and backstage passes to his show tonight."

Your eyes grew wide and you couldn’t believe what you just heard.

"Oh my god! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

You screamed hugging Harry and wrapping your legs around his waist. You place a sweet but passionate kiss on his lips and ran your fingers through his hair. After you pulled a part you place your forehead on his.

"Anything for you, (Y/N)." he said placing one more sweet peck on your lips.

You two spent the rest of the morning and afternoon walking around town shopping and just spending time together. You both came back to your flat and got ready for the concert. Once you had arrived at the venue Harry took you backstage where you met Ed. You couldn’t help but fangirl which Harry got a real kick out of.

"It was great to meet you, (Y/N). I’ve heard nothing but wonderful things about you from Harry here." You blushed looking at Harry and he just shrugged and gave you a cute smirk. "It was great to meet you too, Ed."

You waved goodbye and you and Harry went and found your seats. They were amazing seats! The concert began and Ed sang a few songs.

"Hope you’re all enjoying the show tonight!" he said into the microphone, "I want to dedicate this next song to my mate Harry and his lovely girlfriend, (Y/N)."

You couldn’t believe it. Ed began singing Kiss Me. It was you and Harry’s song and your absolute favorite song. Suddenly you felt arms wrap around your waist from behind. Harry places his head on your shoulder as he sang the lyrics into your ear. You closed your eyes swaying back and forth just taking in the moment. After the song was over you turned so you were facing Harry and gave him a deep kiss.

"Thank you so much for the most amazing birthday, Harry. I love you so much."

"You’re more than welcome. I love you too, (Y/N)." he said giving you another passionate kiss. You smiled into the kiss and you felt like the luckiest girl in the world.

1D imagines and preferences *Editing*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora