Harry imagine for Anna Part 2

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You stand at the closed door for a few minutes until you hear the sound of a car driving off. As you peer through the window into the darkness you see nothing and you wonder if you’ll ever see the boys, particularly Harry, again.

'You will', you assure yourself, 'he gave you his number.'
Even though you had only met him a few hours ago you felt some sort of attachment to him. Of course you did; he stood up for you. He saved you from something you did not want to do. He was like a modern-day knight in shining armour.
And then there was that kiss! That amazing, spectacular, sweet, perfect kiss….
You shake your head to calm yourself as you make your way to your bedroom dresser to take out some pyjamas.

Finally there was those words.
"You deserve someone who will treat you right Anna." 
You glance at yourself in the mirror that is attached to the dresser. Your fingers comb through your hair and you can’t help but stare into your tired, darkened eyes. They did not match the exciting, yet conflicting, emotions you were feeling. It was probably because you were tired.
You get dressed and go to bed. A buzzing sound alarms you but you relax as you realise it’s your phone. There was a text message from Harry.
'Goodnight Anna :)'
You reply back with ‘Night x’ and go to sleep with a smile.

The next morning you wake with the smile still plastered on your face. Today marks another chapter in your life- removing Nathan. Some of his stuff, as well as gifts he bought you, were lying around the house and now seemed like the perfect time to throw them away.

You decided to throw everything out onto the front lawn; you didn’t want him coming inside or talking to you. If he doesn’t collect them by tonight you will put them into the bin. You figured he’d be back though because his laptop was sitting on your coffee table. Scowling, you pick the laptop up and prepare to throw it onto the ground outside in the hopes of the screen cracking. But, after a deep breath, your anger subsides and instead you decide to place it onto the porch.

'Hopefully someone steals it', you laugh to yourself as you make your way inside to remove more of his clutter from the house.
You continue to do this, as well as watch tv, for most of the day. You also check your phone numerously. No new messages.
You frown. Harry seemed the type that, if interested, would ask you out straight away. Maybe he didn’t like you as much as you’d initially thought.
But he kissed you! He had to like you at least a tiny bit, right?
Your mind is going in circles. At the end of your argument with yourself you decide to make the first move and invite him over for dinner…. as a way of thanking him for the other day. Plus you wanted to see how his bruises were healing up.

Steadying your heartbeat you close your eyes as the phone is pressed against your ear. After a few rings you hear that familiar voice.
"Hello?" He mumbles.

"Harry. Hi." You stutter nervously. "It’s Anna."

His voice perks up immediately. “Anna, hey. Are you alright?”
"Yes I’m fine." You blush, thankful he couldn’t see your reaction to hearing his voice. "I was calling to find out how you were."

"Well I’m pretty good. Had a good day. But it’s even better now that you’ve called."

You can hear someone mimicking him in the background. Harry tells his friends to shut up. You try to hold back the laughter.

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