Louis imagine for Karina

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You waited patiently in line, holding your cd cover tightly to you.You were shaking, and scared you might crack your case. They’re just people. Just like me. You though and tried to losen up. Today was the day where you wer going to a One Direction CD signing. You had just got the new album and you couldnt wait for the boys to sign it. You had 5 to 6 people infront of you and you tried to act cool. You saw Zayn, then Liam, Then Niall, then Harry and Finally Louis. Louis was your favorite ever since you first heard the song “What Makes You Beautiful”. It was completely chaotic in this place. Over 100 girls had come, and more than a hundred were stuck outside, trying to get in. You walked up to Zayn and placed your CD down. He signed it, hugged you, gave you a kiss on your cheek and then you moved down Liam. This same process went over and over untill you reached Louis. He looked up at you and his eyes sparkled. He opened up the case, even though there was room on the front cover, and wrote you a note. He closed the case, handed it back to you, got up, hugged and kissed you and then you steped away. You went outside and waited for your parents too pick you up. While waiting, you read what the guys had wrote you. You remembered Lou had wrote something on the inside cover and you opened up the CD case. 


I didnt quite catch your name, but your really pretty. I love your shirt, by the way, aha. I would kind of like to get to know you better, so if you dont mind, give me a ring, or text me and 555-555-5555 

Louis xx

You looked down at your shirt. It had a picture of Lou, and it read “I LOVE LOUIS TOMLINSON!!” He liked my shirt. He thought i was pretty. AHHHHHH! You thouht in delight. You pulled out your phone and texted him.

'Hi..Im Karina.. you just signed my case and gave me your nimber…'

'Karina!! What a lovely name!! Well, i was wondering if you'd like to grab some starbcks later, and maybe get to know eachother. xx'

'I'd love to! What time?' 



'Ok, I'll pick you up at your house and we'll go!'

You said OK and then texted him your address. Isn’t this going to be fun!!


"You are TOO MUCH!!" You said trying to contain your laughter. Lou was really funny. "Oops! Looks like its almost five, time to get you home." "Well, i had a really good time today. Thank you." You said smiling. "No problem love." He said giving you a kiss on the cheek and he walked you home. This was the start of a beautiful relationship!!

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