preference #7 your children catch you arguing

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Harry: “Maybe if you would take time out of your precious schedule you would have made it, but NO going out clubbing is obviously more important than our monthly family movie night.” Harry’s face was red from anger, nostrils flaring. “We will have more fucking movie nights” he yelled. Y/N flinched as he can closer and she hit the wall. “Tell that to the kids, constantly asking where you are.Asshole” 5 year old James and 7 year old Anny were fed up with the constant shouting from there parents. The eight and 6 year old covering their ears decided to head out and tell them to stop. Harry grabbed Y/N’s forearm harshly making her squeal. “What did you call me?” He whispered, furious. She knew Harry wouldn’t physically hurt her, but all of her emotions were breaking down. Arguing had become typical in their marriage now and she wanted that to stop. “Harry stop it hurts” she pleaded, but he didn’t stop. “TELL ME” he yelled. Both of their head shot up when Anny’s voice rang around the hall. “Daddy stop” she cried. Holding her brothers hand. Harry did, he stepped back shocked of his actions and embarrassed. Y/N grasped her arm examining it it would bruise, but right now she didn’t care she wanted to tell her children that everything was okay and that mommy and daddy were just out of place. She walked towards them hugging them “it’s okay, now lets go back to bed shall we. Everything’s all right” she reassured. While Harry still remained kneeling in the hallway face buried in his hands thinking and crying about how much of a disappointment he was to his family, Y/N had put Anny and James to sleep with a kiss and an ‘I love you’. She went back to her bedroom noticing Harry wasn’t in the corridor anymore. She sighed as she threw herself on the big Queen size bed. She felt the right side dip and she knew who it was.” I went and apologized to the kids right when you left.I’m so sorry” he’s raspy husky voiced apologized. He had been crying. “For everything, not being here enough, not spending time with the kid or you, for arguing, for tonight and for every time I’ve made you feel horrible. I love you baby and I’m sorry” Y/N sighed and turn her head towards Harry. “Just promise me you’ll be here more often, I know your job doesn’t allow you to sometimes, but you should put your family first meaning when you have free time spend it with us” she pleaded. “I promise” Harry nodded and closed the gap between them with a tender kiss. He murmured and ‘I love you’ while their lips where still pressed together. “I love you too, idiot” she chuckled pulling away and cuddling into Harry’s chest. He smiled and kissed her forehead.

Niall: “Don’t touch me!” Y/N screamed as Niall placed his hands on her hip. It was his fourth night coming home drunk and at late hours. “C-comeee oooon babyyy” he slurred. He started kissing her neck. Her hands flew to his chest pushing him backwards. 17 year old James and 15 year old Sam had heard their mother but dared not to interrupt knowing its been happening this past few days. They missed their dad when he didn’t go out all the time and actually stayed up late; not drinking or clubbing, but watching movies and soccer games with them. The two boys just stared at each other in silence catching their parents words carefully; if anything got out hand they would run in there, knowing their dad can get bipolar when drinking. Their ears shot up when a loud sound of glass breaking and an “I said stop” rang around the immense mansion. The two teenagers entered the living room, examining the area their dad was on the couch, glass vase pieces scattered around the floor and their mother was heavily panting next to the door that led to the kitchen opposite from Niall. “MOM” the boys shouted not caring about their father; knowing that if something had gone wrong it was his fault. Mother sober, Father drunk. “Are you okay?” James questioned. She nodded; gulping. They calmed her down. “I think you should leave for tonight” Sam instructed to the drunken male that laid on their leather black couch. “NO!” Niall explored with anger; his drunk personality showing off. “SHE SHOULD LEAVE, that bitch” He shouted to the woman he married 22 years ago; whom he immensely loves, but he doesn’t recall this right now. He’s under the influence: oh how much he will regret this in the morning and for the rest of his dear life. The two boys angered rose as they shouted insults to Niall, defending their mother. While Y/N’s tears kept running down her red and puffy cheeks. “Lets just go boys” she pleaded them to stop. They turned to her and nodded taking the car keys and leaving not saying another word to Niall, meanwhile he just kept insulting Y/N.

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