Niall imagine for Nia

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You are sick in bed. Your throat is sore, your nose is runny and you’ve been coughing non-stop for the last few days.

"Sorry we have to cancel our plans." You croak on the phone to your boyfriend Niall. He had planned on taking you to a late night movie, and then get some gelato from the local ice-cream store.

"It’s okay babe, I understand. Love you."

"Love you too."

He hangs up and you decide to update your Twitter.

'Feeling sick :( Sorry for the change in plans @NiallOfficial x'

Niall replied to that shortly after. ‘Picking up a DVD to watch. @Nia what would you prefer: comedy, romance, horror? xx’

You smile. ‘@NiallOfficial Comedy for sure! Thanks baby, I love you’

'@Nia Be there in ten minutes. Love you too.'

You clean yourself up as best you can. You’re in your pyjamas, and your hair is unruly and messy. You decide to tie it up in a ponytail. Then you discard all the used tissues in the bin. You are annoyed that you have run out of tissues in such a short amount of time. You had to resort to using toilet paper.

There is a knock at the door and you glance at yourself in the mirror. You are pale, tired and…. sick. Even your sleek ponytail is a mess. You hope Niall doesn’t get scared away.

"Hey." You cough as you open the door.

Niall is holding a DVD, microwavable popcorn, some chocolate, panadol and a box of tissues. “Hello Nia. You look beautiful with your hair pulled back, did you know that?”

You laugh. “Thanks for lying.”

"I’m not lying." He says seriously. "You look beautiful, even when you’re sick. I don’t know how it’s possible."

You grab the tissue box and panadol out of his hands. He comes inside and sets up the DVD in the lounge room, then heats up the popcorn.

"You really know how to cheer me up." You smile.

"Go lay down on the couch with some blankets. I’ll be there in a minute."

You take some panadol and bring the box of chocolates and tissues with you to the couch. Then you wrap yourself in a cocoon of blankets.

Niall pulls a face at you, then sits beside you on the couch. You unwrap some of the blankets so he cay lay beside you and the two of you can snuggle.

"And I didn’t even burn it!" He smiles proudly at his microwaving talent. You take a handful of the popcorn and begin eating as the film begins.

You blow your nose into what feels like your thousandth tissue, and throw the tissue in a small bin beside you.

"Sorry, I know this isn’t really appealing." You mutter, and Niall tilts your head up.

"I think you’re gorgeous."

He leans down, but you back away. “I’m sick, remember? You’ll get sick too.”

"It’s a risk I’m willing to take." He chuckles and kisses your lips gently.

You rest your head on his chest and continue watching the movie.

Niall treats you like a princess, waiting on you hand and foot. When you needed tissues, he went down to the store to get some. When you were tired, he carried you to your room. When you felt lonely, he stayed up all night talking to you.

After a few days you began to feel a whole lot better.

"Thankyou for looking after me." You whisper in his ear, then kiss his neck. You were feeling energetic and playful now that you weren’t ill.

"You’re welc-" He begins, then coughs loudly.

"Uh-oh, I think you’re sick."

"Mmmm. But it was worth it."

"What do you mean?" You ask as a small smile plays on his lips.

"I’ll get to spend even more time with the most amazing person in the world. I love you Nia."

"I love you even more." You grin, and the two of you begin a ‘well I love you more’ war. Niall won, because he silenced you with a kiss.

1D imagines and preferences *Editing*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें