Harry Imagine for Anna Part 1

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You sit at a late-night diner with your boyfriend Nathan. You have been dating for around two months and as of recently he has been pressuring you to have sex. The sweet, kind, buy-you-flowers Nathan that you knew when you first went out was gone and replaced with a rude, constantly-irritated and jerk-of-a-boyfriend guy who you didn’t like.

"Thanks for taking me here." You smile at him from across the table. The two of you had went on a road trip and returned pretty late. It was about 1 a.m. and you were hungry, so he had taken you here.

"It’s okay." He nods. A waitress hands a cup of coffee to you both. You scan the room and notice a few boys on the opposite side of the room.

"Did she give us any napkins?" Nathan asks you. You look at the table and shake your head.

"I’ll get some, hang on." You stand and walk up to the counter.

One of the boys from the other table is at the counter preparing to order. He is standing in front of the napkin holder.

"Excuse me." You mumble. He turns to look at you with bright green eyes. He then smiles. You point to the napkin holder and he moves over so you can reach them. "Thanks."

You grab a handful and walk back to your table.

"Do you know him?" Nathan glares at the boy at the counter. He was speaking to a waitress.

"No. Why?"

"He was looking at you."

"People can look at things. That’s why we have eyes." You try to joke in the hopes of lightening the mood.

"Well he shouldn’t be staring at my girlfriend." His voice raises and you can see the jealousy and anger glinting in his eyes.

"Maybe we should go. We’ve eaten, and it’s pretty late. I’d like to go home."

He nods and pays for the food. You follow him to the door, but quickly glance at the boys sitting at the table. They wave at you. You blush.

It’s quite cold outside so Nathan places his arm around you.

"You know," he whispers into your ear "my place is closer. You can stay there if you’d like. And I have an idea on how we can get warm."

You sigh. “No, I’ve told you this already. I’d rather go home thanks.”

"Come on Anna! I’ve been putting you on a pedestal long enough." He grumbles and holds tightly onto your arms.

"Let go Nathan!" You scream but he only clings on tighter. You try to push him away but he is too strong. He plants some kisses on your neck.

All of a sudden a fist collides with Nathan’s face.

"She said let go." The boy you saw earlier at the counter explains to Nathan who had fell back. You were sure it was him; he had those unmistakable brown curls.

"This is between me and her." Nathan sneers and lunges at the other guy. You were worried- they were both the same height but Nathan was very strong.

Some other boys had rushed out of the diner.

"You brought back-up? Pathetic."

"Go inside lads." He tells his friends. As he had his head turned to his friends Nathan attacked, punching the boy and consequently giving him a black eye.

You scream, running immediately to the boy who was trying to stick up for you.

"I’m calling the police." One of the friends says and grabs his phone.

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