You bake a cake #13

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Zayn: "ZAYN!" You shouted from the kitchen. You and Zayn were supposed to be baking a cake, TOGETHER, for dessert since his parents were coming over, but Zayn had other plans. "What?" He asked, irritated. "Where. The. Hell. Is. My. Friken. Frosting." You said. You had planned everything, and Zayn promised to help, but you had pasta, boiling on the stove, your homemade tomato sauce not even made, frozen chicken, unmade salad and a almost done cake. "Erm..about that…" "Zayn…!" "Im sorry!  I was hungry!!" He pleaded. "Ugh! Just..come cook." You said, putting all the things you had in your hands aside. "What?" I cant cook." Zayn said, walking into the kitchen. "Well, you gonna learn today." You simply stated and left the house to go find some icing.

Harry: ”But it was an accident Harry!” You said, trying to hold back laughter. “SPILLING THE GODDAMN FLOUR ALL OVER THE PLACE WAS AN ACCIDENT!” “It was your fault for giving me the really heavy bag…” You said. “And dropping all the eggs?” “They were cold!!” “And boiling over the rice?” “I thought you were watching it..” “And..” “Alright, shut up!! I cant cook, but you have to say, I do bake oh so well.” You said, smirking and crossing your arms. “Well…” You heard your fire alarm go off and you and Harry’s eyes immediately drifted to the oven in which your cake was baking. Black smoke drifted from it, And Harry grabbed oven mitts while you grabbed the fire extinguisher and raced to the other end of the kitchen  Harry opened the oven and you shot the ‘liquid’ into the oven. Soon enough, the smoke calmed down and Harry reached into the oven, pulling out a black and charred cake, covered in white foam. “At least its frosted…” You said, trying to smile. Harry pointed his finger to the door. “Get outta my kitchen!”

Niall: “Niall!! Stop it!” You shouted, grabbing the cake batter away from Niall. You and him were baking a cake because you guys were going over to Louis and Eleanor’s shared flat for dinner with everyone else and you and Niall were supposed to bring the dessert, which was your famous triple chocolate cake. It was a three layer chocolate cake with chunks of milk chocolate, white chocolate and Oreo’s  You had just finished mixing the batter and you added the chocolates and Oreo’s  hoping to have it in the oven by now but Niall had a different idea. “But it looks so good babe!” “You can eat it when we get there.” “But i want it noooooooow!” Niall whined. You chuckled and poured the cake batter into the three pans. “Ugh! You want me to starve and die.” Niall mumbled as he walked out of the kitchen away from you are the delicious smelling cake.

Louis: “No Lou don’t-! ” You said, diving for his arm , but you were too late. You and Louis were baking a cake for Lottie’s birthday, since all his family was coming over to your shared flat for Lottie’s birthday dinner. “What?” Lou asked. “Your not supposed to add the chocolate yet…” “Does it matter!” “Yes it does! Now how are we going to apply the icing? Over the chocolate!? Its going to look ugly.” You said, frowning. You wanted to make this the best birthday ever for Lottie, but Lou isnt making it easy on you.”Hey, hey, Its ok..She doesnt eat frosting anyway…” “So i spent all my dang money on frosting for nothing!” You said and Louis chuckled. “Thats my girl.” He said, embracing you in a hug.

Liam: “Is it done yet?” Liam asked, sitting in the corner covering his eyes. He had helped you bake a cake for your three year anniversary, and you wanted to surprise him by decorating the cake yourself. “Almost.” “Now?” “All. Most.” “Now?” “Liam!!” “Now?” “Ugh, yes, now.” “YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!” Liam shouted and ran up to you. You held out the cake and his eyes widened. “How..” “Magic” Yous aid and smiled. “Its beautiful. And i bet its delicious!” He said and kissed your lips. “Happy anniversary.” “Happy anniversary.”

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