Your insecure *Prefrence*

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Harry: You've always been insecure about your weight. When you were younger, people would constantly tease you for being a little heavier than the rest of the class. You always believed them when they'd call you fat, lard, or any other nickname they could think of calling you. You'll sometimes skip meals because of your insecurity, causing yourself to feel a little nauseous and light headed. "Babe, why do you do that to yourself?" You'd been turning down most of Harry's cooking lately, and he's started to catch on. "Do what?" You tried to play oblivious, but he knew you to well. "I think you're beautiful just the way you are." He kissed your forehead, making you promise to stop forcing yourself to look skinny.

Niall: Ever since you started dating Niall, you've felt a little insecure about the way you looked. Niall is 1/5 of the biggest boyband in the world, so his girlfriend's got to be beautiful right? Sometimes you just didn't. His fans would always send you nasty messages on twitter telling you you're not pretty or good enough for them, forcing you to believe they're right. "Niall, they're right." You'd been upset for the last hour, laying in Niall's arms. "What? They are no way near right." He looked into your eyes before wiping away a tear from your cheek. "You're the most beautiful woman I have ever layed eyes on, and if no one else thinks so that's their problem." He kissed you once on the lips before giving you a sweet smile.

Zayn: Your boobs are a little too small for your liking. In school, people would always tease you because of how much smaller they were than most girls. It's been an insecurity you had to live and deal with for years now. Zayn, on the other hand, doesn't mind it at all. He finds them adorably cute, and not a very big impact on your relationship. But recently fans, gossip magazines, and paparazzi have been commenting on them, stating that they belong to a 13 year old. Zayn is always there to stick up for you, cursing at whomever said anything about them. He always made you feel better about yourself, he's made it his job to.

Louis: You've always been teased for being tall. It's one of your biggest insecurities. Not that being tall is a bad thing, it's just you've always been taller than any of your friends or classmates. You're just over 5'8" now, which is A LOT taller than most girls your age. You could hardly ever wear heels, not wanting to be taller than all of the guys you knew as well. When you met Louis, he'd found your height extremely attractive. "Most guys wouldn't want a girl as tall as them," He kissed your lips softly. "But I think it's so very sexy." You couldn't help but smile. "And I like that I don't have to bend down to kiss you."

Liam: You're a good five years older than Liam, which makes you feel a bit weird. People are constantly judging you, and calling you a cougar for dating him. You thought nothing of it. I mean, it doesn't bother you and it sure as hell doesn't bother Liam. The only thing that affects your relationship is the constant judging and rude comments made by his fans. But Liam's always there to make everything alright, and to assure you that it doesn't bother him. "Older woman means more years of experience." He said with a wink before kissing you all over.

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