Helping him relax -Rick

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Helping him relax -Rick

  You felt bad for him . Both of his kids were sick and as a single parent it fell all on Rick's shoulders. Plus on top of that he had the responsibility of keeping everything running smoothly at the prison. You wanted to help him as much as you could. The relationship between you two was complicated . There was feeling there but neither one of you had made any move to act on them.

     You were heading to your cell  to turn in for the night and as you were passing by Rick' s cell you heard Judith crying and it made you stop. You loved the little girl and hated to see her sick . So you poked your head into offer help. Rick was holding her walking back and forth talking to her quietly Carl you notice was on the bunk not looking so good.

"Hey do you need any help ? You asked softly? He turn to look at you. He looked stress and tired . "I don't know I can't get her to settle" he said sadly .You walked into the cell "may I"  You asked holding your arms out. He gave you a small smile and handed Judith over you cuddled her in your arms and started humming softly rocking her gently.

I have her go take care of him " if he has a fever a cool shower will help" you said. " thanks I will be back " he said he touch your arm as he passed you and you felt your heart speed up. Once they left you sat  down on the bunk and started singing softly a song your mother used to sing to you when you were sick. She stop crying and looked up at you even giving you a little smile before a yawn escape and you watch as her eyes slowly shut. But you continue to sing . Her breathing even out and soon you realize she was sleeping deeply.

        " how did you managed that ? You looked up at the sound of Rick' s voice he was suddenly standing in front of you

. Your heart jump a little. " now is not the time" you thought. Just a song my mom used to sing to when I was sick. " You said.  " worked every time an apparently stills dose" you said giving him a smile." Thank you I was about to  reach the end of my rope."

He said he reach down and took the sleeping baby as he did he glanced up at you and you were so close. Your nerves were jumping all over the place now. He finally stood up placing Judith in the playpen. You stood up suddenly nervous

"how Carl?" You asked as he turn around ."sleeping the shower seemed to helped. " He said."good" you said " you should take this chance to get some rest "you said. He just nodded " I should but I am not sure if I can .." He said with a sigh.

You took a deep breath your heart about to jump out of your chest . " come here " you crawl into the bunk in till you were leaning up Against the wall legs stretched out in front of you

lay down "you patted your lap  Giving him a smile " we can talk in till you can sleep " you offered . He didn't hesitate to lay down laying his head on your lap. Without thinking you started running your fingers though his hair.

"What was your life before this "he asked starting up at you. So you begin to tell him about your family and growing up. It wasn't so painful to think about anymore . As you talked you just stared ahead at the other wall getting lost in good memories still playing in his hair. At first you didn't realize  He wasn't responding anymore.

It was when you started hearing the soft snoring that you looked down. You smiled watching him sleep you reached out and lightly ran your fingers down his cheek and over his  lips  You pause when he stir but he settled back down snoring again a little bit louder this time and you had to hold back a giggle.. You could have stayed like that forever but you knew you couldn't .

You allow yourself to sit there for another 15 minutes before you slowly slip out from underneath him . He mumbled something and rolled onto his stomach but stayed  asleep. You covered him up  and left. Know you were going to have trouble sleeping tonight


Due to the lack of sleep you woke up later and had to rush to your chores . But you did stop by to check on Judith and Carl. Beth was watching Judith.

" she much better this morning. "Beth replied. That was a relief. You hurried out to the tower to take your turn at the watch . " I am sorry I am late..overslept.." you said as you climb up excepting Glenn. But instead you found Rick . He help you  stand up but didn't let go of your hand

"What happen to Glenn" you asked " I offer to take the rest of the watch for him so we could talk.." he said  you looked up from your joint hands and found him staring at you he was close to really close " about what ?" you asked

" I wanted to thank  you for last night  " he said   you nodded kind of disappointed  you had been hoping it would have been  about something else.

it ok  I love your kids and anything I can do to help I will. " you as you try to pull away  but he would let you go instead he  pulled you even closer " and me ?" he asked   your brain was trying to wrap around what was happing " you uh.. needed the rest " you said

" I am sorry if it made you uncomfortable afterwards.." you said looking downwards. " oh that not it at all " he said and you  looked up and when you did he took that opportunity to captured your mouth with his

.So surprise you froze for a second but then you quickly warm up and open up to him He groan as you did pulling you all the way to him pressing your body against his . After a minute both of you pulled away breathing pretty heavily ..

" I have wanted to do that for a while now " he admitted  and you smiled " yeah I kind of been wanting you  to too " you added  he grinned ..and leaned down for another kiss.  

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