Safe with you - Daryl

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Everything in your life seem to fall into place when you met him. The world might have been going crazy but he was the one thing that kept you sane in this world Even if he didnt know it .

You listen from the kitchen as the front door of the house you shared with him open and closed..

"Daryl is that you ?" you called out as you wiped you hands on a towel . " yeah it me " was the response you got. You walked into the living room where he was stretched out on the couch. Eyes closed.

"Are you hungry ?" you asked him. "Not really " he replied . You frown. " you been working all day you should eat something " you said . He opened his eyes giving you a look .

"I will eat when I am ready I just to damn tried right now alright" he snapped. You bit your toung and just nodded and hurried out of the room refusing to let him see the tears. He made you feel safe in this world and all you wanted was take care of him but obviously that was a mistake he didnt need you to take care of him.

you closed your bedroom door and got ready for bed as you slid underneath the covers there was a knock on the door . You sigh and climb out of bed and open it . Daryl was standing on the other side .

" look I am sorry for snapping at you . I have had a rough day and I am tried "he said softly .. You sigh and nodded it ok I get it " you replied .. " goodnight " you closed the door with a sigh and went to bed. It was a while before you fell asleep.


A few days later everyone was over having dinner at Rick's place . It was nice to get together with everyone and just relax and not have to worry about anything even if it was just a moment. Drinks were being passed around and there were a few that were on there way to being drunk.

You were helping Maggie and Michonne finish cleaning up when Sasha walks into the room grinning from ear to ear .

"What ?" You asked her . " I think I have seen everything now " Sasha replied. "What is it? Maggie asked her again.

"It Daryl "Sasha said " he actually flirting with someone. " she said giggling " and quite well too who know "

The smile that had been on your face slowly fade away at the though of Daryl flirting with another woman. You stop what you were doing and walk back into the living room stopping in the doorway to observe with being noticed.

There he was sitting on the arm of a chair beer in his hand talking to Michelle one of women who worked in the gardens in the community . He was talking and laughing looking more relax than you seem him in a long time.

Michelle was loving the attention and you couldnt blame her .But it was painful to watch this . So you turned away " I think I am going to head on back to the house I am getting tried " you told Maggie .

"You ok?" she asked You nodded " yeah I will be fine " you told her and went around telling everyone else goodnight before you slip out of the house and walked back to yours. Trying to forget. everything .. Pain Daryl .. Love .. It wasnt worth it.

You went inside and decided to take a shower to help you relax and maybe try to read a book that always help you forget your problems for a little while. After you showered and dressed you settled down on the bed to try to read. It worked for about an hour you lost yourself in your book until you heard something downstairs.

You picked up your gun from the table beside your bed and open the bedroom door. You looked around and when you didnt see anything you .You headed towards the stairs . You stood at the top and listened . That when you heard it . Giggling female giggling.. Then someone moaned .. You heart skipped a beat.

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