Told you so -Rick

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The one thing you hated the most was feeling like a burden on someone . You had spent most of your life feeling like that way with your parents .they acted like you couldn't do anything and it was a huge problem to them to have you with them . But now the world has pretty much come to a stop and to survive you had to fight you were even more determined to show you what you were made of.

But it didn't help when most of the people you were around mostly the men didn't want your help. The worst was Rick he seem to always find some reason to keep you from going out on runs or helping with anything that was even remotely dangerous. It was beyond frustrating. Nobody else to seem to have this problem. Maggie was constantly going out on runs with Rick and Glenn so was Sasha and Rosita . He just never seem to want you to go.

You told this to Maggie as you two were on watch duty up on the tower that over look the outside of the walls ."Well have you try talking to him and telling him how you feel. Rick a pretty reasonable guy " Maggie suggested. " I have but every time I get a chance to talk to him we are interrupted. "You said you wanted to add but you didnt that it would be easier to talk to the man if you weren't so damn attracted to him. Maybe that what maybe the whole thing even more frustrating. That you had feelings for him and that he doesnt see you as anything more than someone that can cook and clean and help watch his daughter. "Well you need to sit down and make him listen "Maggie said interrupting you thoughts. "yeah I guess if I want something to change I am going to have to. " you replied.

You got your chance later that evening after dinner you were walking back up to the house where Rick lived with his kids and Michonne . He was sitting on the porch talking with Daryl. They both gave you warm smiles as you walked up the porch steps. You met Rick's gaze trying to ignore the way your heart sped up in your chest. "Can I talk with you ?" you asked him "Sure he said sitting up straighter in the rocking chair he was sitting in. "Can I asked why you wont let me go out on runs?" you said The moment you asked you saw his whole body stiffen . The easy smile that was on his face faded away "there is no need for you to go out there " he replied . You sigh. " why ? " you asked again he sigh in frustration "Because you are better off inside the walls "he said. " but why you haven't gave me one good reason for why I am the only person that can go out on runs I know I can do it . I survivor a long time by myself before I met this group." you said . He stood up " I just dont need to worry about you out there I have to much worry about and you would just be one more thing" he snapped. Your heart pounded painfully in your chest as hurt filled you up and tears threaten to spill. "Well I am sorry I am burden to you so tell you what you forget about me and then that way you will have one less person to worry about. " you knew you were yelling but you couldnt help and you knew he saw the tears. Cause he step forward reaching out but you jerked away "leave me alone " you snapped and turned and walked away.

After crying yourself to sleep and only sleeping a couple of hours . You were not in the best of moods the next morning . So when there was a knock on your door you prayed it wasn't Rick because you weren't in the mood to see or talk to him. But it was Maggie instead. " hey are You ok ? " she asked "yea I guess you heard about my talk with Rick " you said. "Daryl wanted me to check in on you said you were pretty upset . " she replied you just shrugged "more hurt than anything else " you said. "Well I me and Glenn are heading out in a run and I want you to come " she said. "what about Rick ?You asked "he out with Daryl" he won't know we won't be gone long ."Maggie said you sigh dont know why you were worried about Rick you were a grown woman who can take care yourself. "sure when are we leaving ?" you asked Maggie grinned " 10 minutes " she replied "perfect" you said .

15 minutes later you were out and it felt great. You were in the backseat of the car Glenn was driving and Maggie in the passenger seat. " thanks guys for letting me come I am glad that you don't think I am totally useless too" you told them . " I don't think that Rick think your useless " Glenn said . Looking at you through the rearview mirror. " could have fool me " you said. " do you know how his wife died?" Maggie asked you turning in her seat to look at you. "Died in child birth didn't she ?" You asked .yeah but Rick wasn't there ..she went in labor early and we got separated and she choose to save her baby over herself . "I think Rick feels if had been there he could had saved her ." Maggie said " it wasn't his fault things happen but what dose that have to do with me?" You asked . "Rick cares for you and he doesn't want you hurt "Glenn said "if he didn't have feelings for you he wouldn't be so stubborn about letting you out. "He said.

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